Unexplained News

The following was slipped under my office door when I arrived to work today. I made some edits, but left most of the original so the author’s voice and intent was not changed. I have no idea who wrote it, or if the names were true.
– Coyote Rush

At 6:58 a young man walks towards a fairly large high school in a fairly small town, walking away from an average size parking spot. He feels no pressure as he approaches the school even though he has only been there to watch basketball and volleyball. Walking closer to the set of doors closest to where he parked the car, he is about 70% sure that the door will be locked and he will have to walk an acre to the nearest doors. He pulls on the doors and they swing open.

Stepping inside, the school looks like all the others: cement blocks painted white and lockers painted blue to show school spirit. Continuing down the narrow hall that is somewhat truncated because it appears to be a random wing of the school. He continues down the hall looking at the classrooms as they go by. Stopping at room 102, he sees a halfhearted attempt to be artsy. “Mr. December’s Woodworking.”

He continues down the hall which spits him Into the main artery of the school. Teenage girls wearing too much makeup and too little clothing on, throws Hunter Robinson into a time warp momentarily. His brain and body reunite with his 18 year old memory of himself. Don’t worry Hunter is not a pervert it is a natural thing. After a moment Hunter regained control, straightening his shirt and clearing his throat simultaneously.

Ignoring the adolescence girls that prance around with perfume clouds encircling and quantity of threads barely equaling the number acceptable to be deemed clothing, he continues to the office. Not having a clue if he is walking toward the office or toward the boiler room he asks the first person that is in striking distance. She points at him and then stares at him oddly and continues to while he walks away.

In the office were two women both speaking extraordinarily loud and rapidly on the phone. The women at the first desk gave him a finger that on this planet meant “one minute.” A little later she looked up at Hunter, put the phone on the receiver, killing the call.
“You must be Hunter,” she said.
“Yes, Hunter Robinson,” he said.
“I thought it must be you because I have never see you here before. You’ve never subbed here before have you?” she said.
“No, however, I have been in the school to watch basketball and volleyball games.” he said.
“Oh, then you will most definitely need a map of the school.” she said.
“No, I actually walked passed the room on the way here, I know where I am going.” Hunter said.
“Oh, how lovely, you won’t require a map. You have A lunch which begins at 10:30 am.” she said.
Hunter blurted out, “That’s lunch? Isn’t that more of a breakfast, or brunch, or a snack before lunch?”
She didn’t respond, instead she handed him a pile of papers and a pile of keys.
“Here are the papers you need to keep attendance on, have a student deliver the report as soon as you can at the beginning of the hour. Oh, and also, Mr. December has no preparatory period, his only break is at lunch.” she said.
“Is there substitute plans for me in the classroom?” Hunter said.
“Let’s hope” she said almost with a devilish inflection.

Hunter grabbed the pile of folders, papers, keys, along with his lunch and walked down the hall trying with a substantial amount of effort to not toss the heap into the hallway. Reaching the classroom, Hunter fumbled for the key that would grant access to the room, all the while balancing this almost cartoonish pile against gravity. He unsuccessfully tried unlocking the door several times, then it seemed almost by luck that the door opened. Why the room came as a surprise to Hunter was unknown, it was not a typical classroom because it was a woodworking shop. Still, everything was different for Hunter:
there were hanging electrical outlets, saws, large quantity of wood scattered in no definitive order, there were also three large volleyball trophies sitting on the floor amongst the sawdust and whatever grime happened to come close, but this was woodworking.

None the less it took him by surprise and he needed a moment to gather his surroundings. He searched for a desk that looked “teacher appropriate.” Hunter decided on a desk that was closest to the door. This brought upon his next ordeal, “how do I turn on these lights?” he thought. Along one wall there were six large gray power boxes, equipped with levers to turn off and on. Hunter hoped that he wasn’t going to be forced into deciphering how to operate these power boxes. His main reason for concern was stumbling onto and then turning on a self destruct button. He stalked the wall like a predator after its sustenance. He continued painstakingly slow down the wall examining and absorbing every inch of the wall. In between a large wooden cabinet and one of the gray power boxes there was a single innocuous white light switch. In slow motion Hunter apprehensively flicked the switch upward. Hunter expected a computerized voice to announce, “Thank you for selecting self destruct, the building will self destruct in one hundred and eighty seconds.” Hunter also feared this would reflect poorly on his substitute skills and really hurt his chances on being called back for another job opportunity. However, instead, eight ancient halide bulbs clicked on, glowing dimly, beginning their heating process that would eventually fill the room with a white yellow light. Hunter thought to himself, “Okay, I didn’t blow up the school, good start!” He took his spot at the “teacher’s desk” to go through the lesson plans that were left for him.

Dear Substitute,

Thank you for being here today. First take attendance and have a student run the slip to the office. The first thing the students should do is work on “Trees” which is a word search. Students should do this individually. Give the students roughly thirty minutes to work on this assignment. After the thirty minutes the students can choose from five movies, The Blind Side, Kung Fu Panda, A Clockwork Orange, Star Wars Episode I and Requiem for a Dream. Also, I am not saying that you are interested nor will you need it, but there is a half gallon of gin in the mini-frig in my office.


Kurtis December

If you can avoid it any cost, resist being alone in my room by yourself for an extended period of time. There has been known and recorded paranormal activity that the school officials and district is investigating as well as trying to keep very low profile.

After reading this not Hunter couldn’t decide if he should take Mr. December at his word or for being a school jester. He entered the office of the shop room hoping to find a refrigerator to keep his sandwich and rest of the lunch cool. Under the desk of Mr. December’s desk Hunter found the refrigerator. He opened the door to find the half gallon of gin snugly placed inside, just as Mr. December had said. “Well, he hasn’t lied yet”Hunter thought, but this is a weird start of the day especially at 7:05 a.m.

First block started at 7:25 a.m. After a few students walked in late Mr. Robinson had a student that appeared to be slightly depressed take the attendance to the office. When the student returned Hunter passed out “Trees” word search. He had the students work on the assignment for a half hour just like Mr. December had instructed in his daily lesson plan for the substitute to follow. After the half hour ended Mr. Robinson conducted a student vote which would result in the viewing of a particular movie. After the students made their pick know by raising an arm indicating their preference in the cinematic adventure, Kung Fu Panda was placed into the DVD player.

Hunter was secretly excited about the students’ decision because he had never seen the movie before. Jack Black proved to be his old comical ridiculous self, full of laughs at his own expense,(his own Panda sake) even if he was portraying a panda. The bell went off before the story had progressed very far.

Second block came in like hell on ice skates, shouting and yelling all sorts of gibberish. The boys talking about fire trucks, four wheelers, foam insulation, fog horns, and foreclosures. The girls walked into the room talking about rainbows, roads, rabbits, reindeer, rubies, rattlesnakes and Realtors. When their conversations collided with one another the fire trucks were driving doing rainbow roads avoiding reindeer by blowing fog horns. After a few “heys” and “shut ups” Mr. Robinson lowered the volume of the class enough to tell them their assignment and surprisingly they stopped all their talk about randomness and got right to work.After another half hour was dedicated to the wordsearch known only as “Trees” the class voted to watch The Blindside. Three minutes into the movie, every single student was bawling uncontrollably. Hunter was surprised at this because he had seen the movie but nothing emotional had even happened yet. “It was still the previews for heavens sake” he thought. The class continued this emotional train wreck, increasing in its ridiculousness. Students were sprawled out on the floor in puddles of their own tears, other students were ripping out pages of their textbooks and using them as Kleenex. The bell rang and suddenly every student snapped right out of their devastation, becoming the loud and obnoxious group they were when they entered the room.

At 10:03 a.m. It was lunch and it was far too early to anything. (that’s what she said.) No hunger nagged Hunter, so he walked the halls thinking that he recognized one of the names from another place in time. He was walking down the hall on his way to that teacher’s room when a random teacher stopped to ask if she could help him. He said he was looking for a teacher that taught science or something and was a coach of something, it was obviously a good description. Hunter couldn’t remember any of the important facts so it made it seem like he was making up some story just to roam the halls and look at all the perfume laced teenager girls. He explained to the concerned teacher that he was a substitute teacher looking for a teacher he thought he knew. The female teacher told him that she had to ask because she didn’t want some random creeper walking the halls of the school. Hunter asked her if he fit that description she said no, but he didn’t believe her.

Hunter had narrowed his search to one room and told himself it had to be that room. When he got to the room he had hoped she would be outside welcoming her students into her class, but she was not. So, he filled his destiny at this point and creepily peaked inside. He couldn’t get a glimpse of her to see if he had chose the right room. So, he gathered his courage and walked inside. He saw the teacher and it was not the face he expected it to be. Rather than retreating immediately, Hunter felt compelled to explain why a stranger had walked into the room with a giant smile that faded immediately after seeing her face. He walked up to her and tried to explain the situation, but when he opened his mouth everything wen wrong. Everything Hunter said seemed to confuse the teacher more and more.
“Do you need help?” the teacher said.
“No, I don’t need any help I don’t think, I was trying to find someone, but you weren’t it, sorry. I felt I had to explain myself.” Hunter said. The teacher sat in her chair staring blankly at him.
“What teacher are you subbing for?” she said.
“Mr. December.” Hunter said.
The misidentified teacher’s body language changed completely. Sitting up in her chair with perfect posture her eyes opened fully as she said, “How is your day so far?”
“Pretty good, why?” Hunter asked.
“Good, good, no reason.” she said.
“Ok, well have a nice day, sorry.” Hunter said.
She didn’t respond, but didn’t break her trance as Hunter turned and walked out of the room.

Feeling slightly uneasy Hunter Robinson decided to to wander the halls of the school in a circle not sure where he was going to end up during his lunch, because who the hell would be ready to eat this early? He strolled by computer labs, science labs, stripper poles, biological weapon testing facilities, the gymnasium, the cafeteria, and the Large Hadron Collider. Upon returning to Mr. December’s room Hunter felt a trickle from his nose, he wiped it with a finger and found it to be blood. He attended to his nose as two random men appeared apparently from a back entrance that he didn’t even know existed. The men asked, “Are you the sub?”
“Yes.”He said.
“Oh, good for you, glad you’re here, we’re just looking for some stuff and we will be right out of here, trust us.” they said.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Hunter said.

Hunter went back to the office to throw away the bloody kleenex and check if the bleeding had ceased/ It had stopped bleeding for the most part, he turned around to find the lights out and the men had disappeared. Hunter tried not to think anything of it.

The third block of students came in full of food. When they walked you could hear the contents of their stomachs sloshing back and forth. With each step they sloshed, finally they plopped into their seats as if they weighed 600 hundred pounds of loose hamburger. Every small movement of the students sounded like a different part of the digestive cycle. Gurgling, sloshing, gases transferring, liquids moving from high density to low density replaced voices. This continued for 103 minutes. Hunter did not have a single conversation with any of the students.

The bell rang and Hunter was more than happy to see the class of stomachs out of there.

Hunter was starting to think that maybe there was more to this paranormal thing that Mr. December had mentioned. He hadn’t gave it a lot of thought until that last class. And things were beginning to feel a little different.

Hunter had about seven minutes before the students had to be in the classroom. He made it to the sink in about three steps and began washing his face and hands. He turned on the faucet and then started splashing water on his face, in his hair, down his shirt. He turned off the water and spun around to walk back to the desk. With the first step he took toward the desk he heard an odd squish and looked down to notice he had sunk about eight inches into the floor. Hunter looked back up as if to say, “What?!” then looked back down to discover the cement floor had been replaced with swamp land. He could barely struggle his way to his desk. Hunter looked toward the door to find at his horror a student standing right in the doorway. The student looked beyond mystified, from the student’s view point, Mr. Robinson had been in a battle to the death with the floor, trying to conquer walking across it. Finally, the student said, “You’re the sub?” student said.
“Yes, I am, how are you?” Hunter said.
“Uh, I’m ok, are you?” student said.
“Yes, fine, super, grand, great, couldn’t be better!” Hunter said.
“Yeah……. okay.” the student said.
“Take your seat.” Hunter said as he once again tried to regain control.

Hunter made attempts to gather his composure with futility. His voice came out like a mixture between a frog and a robot, “Okay, today you are going to this wordsearch named Trees. Then we are going to vote on a movie. The students got right to work, but that did no ease Hunter’s mind. Hunter watched the students as they all started changing, and I don’t mean puberty. I mean, it looked as if their bodies had lost its ability to hold shape. The students appeared if their bodies were slowly melting into a goo like substance. Hunter Robinson at this point was 99% sure his mind had snapped. Maybe there was some air leak into the room was causing this hallucination. Hunter walked into the office closing the door behind him. He knelt and tried to come to his senses. “Open the door, it’s not out there.” he said to himself. He peaked out the door to find the students progressing in their melting. This did not settle his mind at all. He thought to himself, “this can’t hurt at this point.” He reached for the mini-frig, reached pushed aside his lunch and grabbed the booze. Hunter paced in every direction as he searched the office for a cup or a glass. Finding a large coffee mug he poured the gin until it spilled all himself and the floor. He tilted his head back, loosened his throat as he let the alcohol slide down easily. Hunter let out an extra forceful “whew and the office immediately filled with booze vapors.

He emerged feeling slightly more confidence and relaxed. These feelings were premature. Hunter cracked open the door to face the students who had now melted into blobs that were sitting on a chair with eyes starring right back into his own. “okay… Let’s pick a movie to watch for the last part of class,” Instantaneously the class in unison with blob like smiles said “We will watch you.”

At this comment Hunter went: blue over gray, jumped the shark, flew the coup. And so on. Hunter was still functioning on humanistic reasoning that nothing was really ‘that’ wrong.
“Trust me,” he said, “Kung Fu Panda is far greater of a cinematic adventure than I am.” The class’ belief would not budge, they felt that ‘Mr. Robinson’s live action show in real time was quite possibly the best thing to hit the air since this small blue planet burst on the scene God knows when. Despite the disapproval from the blob students Hunter pivoted on the swamp ground and put in Kung Fu Panda. A giant guttural grown swelled and filled the room. When he managed to unstuck his shoes from the muck, he heard “No! We will watch you!” He looked over his shoulder to find that the bloobs had moved rows closers and seemed to be right on top of Hunter. He decided that he had to make a run from the class. The television, went to static, Hunter ran as fast as his feet would let him in the muck, only to get to the exit as saws, tables, and other woodshop material smashed into the door preventing his escape. He slowly peered over his shoulder at the “class” to see that the blob students were all on one desk, the desk closest to Hunter.

“Oh! Hey there, everyone!” he said.
“Hello, Mr. Robinson” they said as one.
“Could you inform me to what you plan on me doing in this episode or movie?” Hunter somehow managed a stab at humor,”Or at least, what is my motivation for this scene?”
“We’ve been watching you for a long time, Mr. Robinson.” they said.
“What does that mean, what happened to you?” he said.
“What happened to us,” they snickered. “What happened to you?”
“This is too much, I have to get out of here, let me leave.” he said
“You’ve never been anywhere, but here, Hunter.”
“This is some dream, am I right? Please tell me I’m right.”
“You’re right, Hunter.

That is where this letter becomes completely incoherent. Letter s that form no words. Forming sentences that desire with their heart to be paragraphs.

Let us wish for a quick return of Hunter Robinson.

Hoping For News,

Coyote Rush

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Clean Out Your Computer NOW!

Well, I was keeping my eye out on breaking news for our loyal readers, when something flashed across the television on CNN. I thought that this piece needed to be summarized in case anyone missed it. Well the introduction to the story went something like this… “Just like your house, you need to do some spring cleaning on your computer, old bills, pictures and other unused items should be cleaned, and we will teach you how.”

To summarize the content of how to clean out your computer, click once on the item you wish to have help cleaning out, then click the delete button on your keyboard and accept. Bam your done.

With much NEWS!,
Fox Storm

So clean your computer NOW!!

Do not let your computer end up like this!

Messy Computer

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Straddle The Line

NEW YORK CITY- A long standing feud between husband and wife is finally coming to an end.

Chana and Simon Taub have been trying to get rid of each other for over half a decade, their prayers were answered Wednesday when a judge ordered for them to sell off the brownstone in which they share, two other homes and split the proceeds.

The couple has been through two separate trials, one a jury trial, still the court did not grant them a divorce. One of the rulings from the trials ordered the couple to do a very ordinary thing. Build an interior wall of Sheetrock to split the house and separate the couple.

Yes, that’s correct. The trial proved to provide a solution to solve the hatred of this couple, by ordering the couple to pull a trick from sparring siblings, “See that line? You can’t come across it!” So, yes a non-cartoon/movie judge told the couple to build a wall.

Since 2007 the couple has lived this way. That means Chana and Simon Taub have been splitting their million dollar three story brownstone for four years. Chana has been living in the top two stories with three of their children, Simon and the other child have the first floor. They have cut off all access to each other and Chana has said if she some how comes into view of Simon she runs as fast as she can in the other direction. This would be very believable if you believe the rumors that Mr. Taub has put cameras in her side of the house to spy on her. That made me feel pretty bad for her, until I heard that Mrs. Taub did the exact same thing. This is not the healthiest marriage.

I guess that living like that for four years wouldn’t be that bad, it’s a pretty big house. However, if you dig a little deeper, you find that the couple owns other homes. You may think to yourself, well maybe they both really like the neighborhood and that’s why they refuse to move out. I commend you for trying to think of a reasonable explanation. Throw your rational thinking out the window, one of their homes is a whopping two doors down.

According to a source, the home two houses away has a significant bat problem. Upon hearing this new information fell into a trance. All around me were people banging gongs, but instead of the usual gong noise it said, NEWWWWWWZZZZZ. I went up and asked one of the men banging a gong where I was, he said, “You’re in news world, dude.” I never wanted to leave this place after hearing that, but I immediately was snapped out of it because the source I was just speaking of smacked me in the face with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Anyway, the house two doors down, yes, supposedly has a bat problem remember? Why would this stop a millionaire from eradicating the bats and moving in, you know, being the bigger man and such? Speculation has it these are not ordinary bats, they are vampire bats.

Just trust me that this news sent me into an episode of madness. Could it be that the vampire bats are only posing as bats to fool people from thinking that they are true vampires? This would make sense to me. Why else would Mr. Taub stay in his home only to split the house in half and spy on his wife? Of course it’s because he is afraid of vampires sucking his blood, why else?

The judge in the most recent trial, like I said earlier is forcing the couple to sell the brownstone and two other homes while splitting the proceeds. Mr. Taub must also pay about $1.5 million and provide Mrs. Taub with $6,000 a month in support. Mr. Taub’s attorney stated that his client was happy about the outcome, while Mrs. Taub stated she would appeal the ruling.

I will leave you with this, is Mrs. Taub really a vampire sympathizer? Is that why Mr. Taub was okay with putting up a wall? Did he love her too much to leave her, but was afraid of the possibility of a Dracula type being coming into his bed?


Stay Tuned.

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American Idol a Terrorist Front?

LOS ANGELES, CA –  Everyone’s favorite so-called “talent” show (that nobody seems to watch) is continuing its decade-long stranglehold on America’s television ratings. But after ten seasons and six different judges, American Idol may have finally gone too far–and the nation’s security could be at risk.

Many viewers know that American Idol started in the UK as Pop Idol. However, few realize that the show’s roots can be traced deeper to a nationally-broadcast singing contest in Indonesia known as Dephfir Tng-Ka, roughly translated as “Survival of Singers.” Although the Indonesian program bares little resemblance to the Fox mega hit (aside from an inordinate amount of Coca-Cola product placement), an important connection was revealed on Monday.

Each week, millions of viewers call Fox’s toll-free number to vote for their favorite performer. The roughly twelve million phone calls and text messages are received at Jayakarta Djakarta, a call center in Jakarta, Indonesia, according to Tenkrit San Phosphani, an NPR correspondent reporting on mass media in Southeast Asia. “It’s a madhouse,” says Phosphani. “It’s hard to believe that [the call center] can handle so many callers.”

And over the course of the season, the call center boasts only a 2% margin of error. How can this be? “Our workers are trained to handle many calls at a time,” says Detabek Jabodetabek, co-manager of Jayakarta Djakarta. The center is also responsible for calculating the results of Indonesia’s national and regional free elections. But in January 2010, ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan called Indonesia’s national elections, “fraud beyond all known uses of the word.” So why does Fox rely on Indonesia for its vote counting?

The answer lies in an overlooked part of the USA Patriot Act and the deceitful actions of News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch. In a 2006 interview, Fox president Kevin Reilly revealed that he, Murdoch (an Australian by birth), and Fox chairman Peter Rice invested close to 3 billion dollars in Detabek Jabodetabek in 2001, just months before the premier of American Idol. Why would Fox be interested in funding an Indonesian call center? “The American government monitors all international telephone messages,” says Phosphani. “However, they ignore international SMS [text] messages sent to toll-free numbers.” Therefore, says Phosphani, rogue agents in the USA could easily transmit classified information to Indonesia during American Idol telecasts. Once the information reaches Detabek Jabodetabek, it is out of the eyes of the United States government.

But why would Fox want to help terrorists plot against America? “It’s all part of their big plan to take over the world,” says Caleb Ductko, member of Americans Against American Idol (AAAI), a non-profit group dedicated to exposing the truth behind the facade of the reality show. “Murdoch’s a foreigner, and he’s been after the USA ever since he became Fox’s CEO,” says Ductko. With millions of calls streaming to Indonesia every Tuesday during live American Idol performances, terrorists can send their secret documents without interference.

So is the show a complete farce? Not so, says Ductko. “Some of those people can really sing, but most of them are just anti-government agents hand-picked by Murdoch.” Jennifer Hudson, Ruben Studdard, and season four runner-up Bo Bice are among those listed by the AAAI as anti-American spies. But Ductko insists that William Hung is not a terrorist. “He can’t sing worth spit, but he’s one patriotic SOB,” says Ductko.

Posted in Breaking News | 3 Comments

Shady Happenings In Mio

In my continuing pursuit to bring the world the hottest, most pertinent, absolutely spell binding news, I stumbled upon news that just could not be ignored any longer. I knew that the world must have the blinders pulled from its eyes, it was time. The size of the town does not factor in to the fact there is all sorts of news. Small towns can produce some of the biggest news in the world, and I’m not overlooking those towns.

This is an example of one of those small towns making big news. Oh, news, news swirled around me, then, that news made my blood sit up in my veins and say, “Coyote, listen, do you hear that? That’s news.” Now, maybe it’s me, but when my blood stands up and tells me to do something, I listen and I listen good. News is something I don’t take lightly and if you take news for granted then I pity you and your family.

The news from Mio, Michigan came under my door, slide up the couch, sat next to me and smacked me in the face. Mio has a population of roughly 2,000 people according to the 2000 census. According to the Oscoda Herald, , the Ambulance department in the first three months has increased 20% since last year during the same time period. This might seem as insignificant news to most run of the mill journalists, but if you dig deeper, you start asking some questions. What would cause this jump? Has injury prone people moved into the area forcing the ambulances to be deployed more often? Are the town officials actually trying to cover something up? Is Elvis still alive? How many licks to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Got Milk? And so on.

The thing that truly appalled me was the fact that there was no effort to explain what would cause this increase. I am forced to believe that everyone besides me must believe it perfectly normal to not explain the cause. Now, other issues are understandably not explained because of their unimportant nature, but a jump of ambulance use by 20%, really Mio?

After reading the article I immediately flew a hot air balloon to Mio. Coming into the town I could smell deception in the air and did it stink. If you try to hide news, you’ll just cause bigger, uglier news. After I climbed down from the top of a tree in which my balloon got snagged in, I started my inspection. I soon came about a man who called himself “Flipper.” Flipper was a young man that carried a switch-blade, obviously not trusting the local government. After much self grooming and mentions of rubber duckies, Flipper told me that it seemed that there was not an hour that went by in the day that he didn’t hear the ambulance or a police sirens scream through the town. Supposedly, the sound of sirens increased dramatically after darkness fell.

Upon this news I lost all control of my bodily functions. I was above myself staring down at my body while it was doing some of the strangest things I had ever seen. I started dancing, moonwalk, the robot, the worm and then I did the tango with Flipper. An ambulance went by and the sirens sounded as if it were saying, newwwwwsssss, neeeewsssss, neeeeewsssss. Amazingly at that moment I snapped back into my body while I was kneeling in front of Flipper with a rock that I was using to propose to Flipper. I stood up a second later and said, “never mind that I was just testing you, goodbye.” Flipper was confused but walked away looking disappointed.

I went to a local diner and sat down to think. I ordered a coffee, three pieces of cherry pie, fourteen glazed donuts and three steaks. By the time I was done with my meal I had formulated a pretty good idea of what was happening.

Let me recap:
The ambulance department has increased usage by 20% since the end of last year. The city officials have failed to even attempt an explanation for the increase. The sirens increased dramatically at night.

I will come right out with it. I wasn’t sure yet.

Could it be aliens? No, of course not, get serious. Could it be a bizarre attack of mutant grasshoppers? Maybe. Mio has been being ravaged the first four months of the year by something and didn’t know how to handle it or break the truth to its people. I had to find more information. I left the waitress $317.43 for the meal and headed straight to the hospital.

As I approached the hospital, things felt funky. The day was turning to night and I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into here in Mio. I walked through the hospital doors and spoke with a friendly man at the front desk. I asked him if I could speak with the ambulance director, but he was not in. Instead they let me talk to the janitor who moonlighted as the assistant ambulance director.

Tony Rigaronni was an older gentleman. He seemed extremely uneasy by the fact that I wanted to speak with someone from the ambulance department. Upon learning that I was Coyote Rush from the Shockuation Room, he became clearly insane.

I asked him why he thought the ambulance usage had increased since last year. He looked right at me for 28 minutes straight. Suddenly he looked panicked and pointed at something behind me, I turned to look and didn’t see anything. I turned back around to see him running out of the office.

I gave chase. The footrace lead me all throughout the hospital. I thought to myself, “where the heck am I?” I was totally lost in a hospital that I had never been in before. After wandering around for a bit, I stumbled out into the ambulance parking garage. I approached one of the ambulances as I noticed that every ambulance had a driver and were running. It seemed like they all turned on their sirens simultaneously. They drove out of the parking garage systematically. As the sirens faded into the distance I felt that no one had seen me so I found a secluded place and hid for the ambulances to return.

The sirens grew loudly and I sat in wait. The ambulances drove in one by one and parked. All turning off their siren as the reached a specific spot in the garage. The ambulance drivers got out and went to the back of the ambulance. They swung open the doors and began to pull out very pale and odd passengers that were in heavy restraints. The drivers took the many sickly looking passengers into the hospital. As they got closer to me I could see that these people were not well. They were without any color at all and appeared to be foaming at the mouth while making horrible groaning noises. After the last unfortunate patient was helped inside, I followed. I opened the door and they were gone. I walked around the hospital trying to find anyone. The hospital had become deserted. The lighting was suddenly very bad and I felt like I was in a poorly written horror story.

I walked the hospital half hoping to run into someone and half hoping to find an exit. I made my way into the cafeteria, I was parched. I spotted a pop machine and walked toward it with glee as much of my uneasiness slightly faded. I put two dollars into the pop machine and ordered a nice Dr. Pepper. As soon as the machine kicked out the pop, all the lights came on full and I turned around. The cafeteria was full of hospital workers and the half dead looking patients. A well dressed doctor came forward.

“Coyote Rush?” she said.
I said, “Yes.”
“Hello my name is Sara Van Dazzle.” she said.
“That’s a nice name.” I said.
“Aw well thank you, that’s kind. However, I did not come to flirt with you.”
“Oh, ok, then what did you come here for?” I said.
“I came to kill you.”
“Oh, I thought we kinda just had a moment there.” I said.
“We did, and this pains me, but it was what I was paid to do.” she said.
“Paid? To do what? And what does that have to do with me?”
“Well, Mr. Rush. We have been watching you for some time and we know your obsession with news. We have been having a little bit of a zombie problem for a month or so if you haven’t noticed from these fine individuals. Anyway, the city manager decided to have a staff writer from the paper write an article that you would find irresistible. We had him give just enough information all the time leaving out crucial bits of news that would drive you mad, forcing you to investigate.” she said.
“Wait, did you say news?”
“What? Don’t you care what’s going to happen to you?” she said.
“Of course I do, it’s news.” I said.
“Oh my god, stop talking about news.”
“You just said it again.” I said.
“Forget it, release them, I’m out.” as she walked out of the cafeteria.

I stood there wondering what I said. The hospital workers unstrapped all of the sickly looking patients that I recently found out were zombies. I ran behind the serving window and thought of what the heck I could do to combat these slow moving, brain hungry, half dead humans. I found a variety of condiment guns that were used to place mayo, ketchup and mustard, respectively. I grabbed the three of them and ran at the zombies. I shot the concoction into their eyes and then tried to spray the ground to hopefully act as in my mind, an oil slick from a cartoon or video game.

The zombies with random food flavoring sauce in their eyes were slowed even more and I ran to a window. Suddenly, I heard “get down, shut up, don’t mention news.” So, I did. Suddenly through the window I heard fully automatic machine gun fire. I turned toward the zombies to see them being mowed down. Within a few seconds the zombies were no more. I stood up to see who saved me. It was Sara Van Dazzle.

“I knew we had a moment.” I said.
“Seriously, stop talking.” she said.

So I did. We walked to the city managers home, Sara still having her fully automatic machine guns and I still carrying the mayo, mustard and ketchup guns. We knocked. The door slowly opened with our knock. Sitting in the dark was who I thought was the city manager. I didn’t even know his name. I was off to a bad interview. The man told us to come sit down. We did.

“So, you think you’re pretty smart do you Mr. Rush?” the man said.
“Well, kinda, but I honestly have no clue what’s going on, I don’t get it.” I said.
“You were not put into this position to get it Mr. Rush.” he said.
“Oh, well then I guess I am doing ok.” I said.
“Shut up! Don’t you understand?! Mio is the perfect place for us! We had to do this and you ruined it!” he said.
“Shut up! Don’t you understand how long this process was? First I had to gain trust and get the city manager position then we created a bacteria that would turn them into brain eating freaks and rid the town of humans. Then and only then could we relocate my planet We brought you here to kill you because we knew no one besides Coyote Rush would care about news in a small town!” he said as he stood up and unzipped his skin like a human jump suit.
“Why did you have to be the city manager to put this plan in motion?” I said.
“Rush! You don’t get it! You ruined my planet.” he said.
“Now you will die!” he said.

The only problem with this statement was when he unzipped his human jump suit he was reduced to 5 inches in height. I squashed him dead, sadly. After that we called the police and told them the story, we left out that Sara Van Dazzle had tried to kill me only to save my life later. In the city manager’s home I found a jet pack and flew out of Mio.

How’s that for news?

You’re in the Shockuation Room.

Until next time, keep your eyes open! And stay tuned.

Coyote Rush

Artist Rendering of Zombie

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Tips For The Allergy Season

Summer time brings about grilling, swimming, laughing, playing and sadly, sneezing. We know the primary culprit is pollen. Types of pollen include: tree pollen, grass pollen, weed pollen, plant pollen, alien pollen, space pollen, human pollen and lastly the most dangerous of all- life pollen.

Now many of these allergies can be avoided or treated with a variety of different drugs such as various antihistamines. That works fine and dandy for some, but for those of you that still suffer greatly from those runny noses, sneezing, red eyes, dry eyes, no eyes, sore throats, devil horns and other symptoms that come from your specific allergy, I have great news.

The first thing that I recommend for all you suffers out there is to burn down all of your trees, plants and grass. That will prevent all of the vegetation from flowering thus limiting the pollination process. Now, you might be thinking to yourself, “Isn’t that a little drastic, Sanskrit?” My answer: no. The first question I have for you is, what is more important, the vegetation or you suffering from sneezing, dry eyes, red eyes, coughing, no eyes and devil horns? That’s what I thought, no one wants to sneeze for three months!

The second thing I recommend if burning down all the vegetation around your property doesn’t work is to become a bubble person. Yes, that’s right. In a bubble you control your environment to the precise levels that you desire! No more arguing with your children that the air conditioning isn’t cost effective. Now, you’re in a bubble! You want it 36 degrees? Go on, do it! You like to live in an oven? Be my guest, crank that thermostat up to 315, see if I care. That pretty much takes care almost all the pollen issues, including most life pollen.

Again, you may be asking yourself, “Dr. Sanskrit Grumpay is this really necessary?” My answer: do you see any other plausible ideas?! I don’t. Your second question might be, “where am I supposed to get one of those bubble things, especially one as fine as the product you describe, Dr.?” Well, you’re in luck! My family has been in the bubble business for years! My family has owned a factory outside of Gary, Indiana going on 402 years! We custom build any bubble you can dream of. The president owns three different makes and models, all in a bunker under the White House. He puts on that bubble as soon as he stops making a public appearance or televised speech.

If you would like information on your own bubble please visit our website: www.bigtimebubble.com, call at 941-969-8675309 or email at bigtimebubble@bubblebubblebubble.com

Sadly, I have no recommendation on alien pollen.

My only suggestions would be to hope they are nice.


Stay healthy! Till next time I’m Sanskrit Grumpay, MD and you’re in the Shockuation Room.

Dr. Sanskrit Grumpay is one of the foremost intellectual leaders on everything.

-James Dust

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Jersey Shore Shocker

At approximately 7:10 P.M. on April 24th, 2011 Vinny of Jersey Shore let us in on quite possibly the biggest news story of the year! The 23 year old star of the Jersey boardwalk shocked his 1,096,404 Twitter followers by telling a very large secret. In his shocking tweet he revealed this about himself, “I love sports trash talk, but at the end of the day its just a game. Athletes don’t pay my rent. I still love you all #happyeaster.”

At the site of this my jaw dropped to the floor. There was so much news in this singular tweet that some gland released a potent chemical hallucinogen in my brain and I was instantly floating in a sea of news. I was high in the air, but all around me were computers, televisions, laptops, radios, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and ancient scrolls all full of news. There were men and women floating behind podiums blasting their wonderful news into microphones! I couldn’t read or listen fast enough to absorb all the news. I was turning in every direction and I, to my surprise had multiple recording devices. I still couldn’t keep up. After what seemed like hours, I awoke to find myself sprawled in the middle of the kitchen floor surrounded by glass after glass filled with chocolate milk.

After closer inspection I was not laying on the floor, but instead a makeshift bed made from a vast quantity of mass media (NEWS!). I couldn’t figure it out, but knew that something important had just happened and I struggled to remember what could have caused this strange series of events. After picking up the thirty nine glasses full of chocolate milk, I had a revelation. It was something that someone said on Twitter. I went back to my computer to research what it could have said. I came across the statement so full of news it caused me to go into a psychotic episode, “I love sports trash talk, but at the end of the day its just a game. Athletes don’t pay my rent. I still love you all #happyeaster..”

In this one tweet, Vinny let us know that he loves sports trash talk, but he didn’t mean it personally, but, even more shocking was the second part of this tweet. He let us in on his private life, that someone besides athletes pay his rent! Who could it be? A woman? A man? Donald Trump? Frank Stallone? Aliens? MTV? This was unclear and I knew there had to be some great news somewhere. Supposedly Vinny gets roughly $30,000 an episode. The way the cast spends money *my calculation is that Vinny is roughly $381,115 dollars in the hole*. Thus, coming back to the original question, who pays his rent!? He didn’t mention that to his loyal fan base. The last part of his tweet I found to be rather charming, not only spreading love to the world, but also wishing everyone a happy Easter. Joy.

All information received was from a reliable New Jersean named Giovanni Rossi, pictured below during one of the brief periods when fist pumping is not occurring.

Fist pump

If you have any information on who possibly pays his rent, please let me know as soon as possible.

Remember, you’re in the Shockuation Room!

Follow Vinny

*Coyote Rush only passed Math 058 in college and does not claim to be accurate.

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The Disappointment In Greybull

Scouring the internet I came across a small town in Wyoming known to the locals as Greybull. At first glimpse I found this town to be charming and bursting at the seams with breaking news, but after further inspection I came across a tragedy. Looking for more on this special town I went to the website of the local newspaper The Greybull Standard. I was so excited as I looked at the paper, there was so much news it made my heart race! However, after my initial wave of ecstasy I looked closer and that is where I found one of the most shocking and unbelievable display of apathy for their crucial job responsibilities. The website had not been updated since June 11th, 2009!

In their carelessness they overlooked what chaos this would cause not only the town, but the state of Wyoming. As the world moves closer and closer to paperless, the citizens of Greybull are being left behind. How are they supposed to get their news? More importantly how am I supposed to get their news to the world? This is not only perplexing, but honestly sends me into a state of dread. Now, I know there is news happening in what I first thought could be the next great city of the world, however, where is it?

Is it possible that aliens visited this town? Through the statement of a concerned individual that lives in the neighboring city known as Basin I was relayed this information. He was visiting an old news making friend in the city on the night of the possible alien contact. This is what I gleaned from his heart wrenching eyewitness account. These hypothetical aliens came on June 17th, 2009 at around 3:31 A.M. The witness who asked to remain anonymous told me of a glowing orb in the middle of the darkness that hovered in sky slowly descending on the quiet town. It eventually came down in a vacant part of the city. Sadly, this is where his story gets foggy. He remembers some strange force compelling him to walk toward the Greybull City Hall. When he arrived at City Hall, the whole town had gathered there. He said that there was a group of what looked like well dressed men that he didn’t recognize. The men asked for all the citizens that worked at the local paper to come inside. Half of the group went inside with the Greybull Standard employees. The other half of the well dressed men started performing feats of strength as well as magic acts. Speculation is that the employees of the Standard were forced to undergo a brain wipe. However, this was not an all encompassing erase. It only focused on one part of their brain, their ability to remember how to update their paper on the website.

I know you’re as shocked as I am.

The witness wanted to remain nameless, but not faceless. He was filled with glee at the prospect of having his picture taken. This was news to me, and made my heart race.

Oh my

Stay Tuned.

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Trust Only The Shockuation Room

To our loyal followers: You’re in the Shockuation Room- Where news and information is being provided to you all the time. Standing by: The Shockuation Room is monitoring all possible avenues of information breaking across the U.S. and the world. Happening now… We are Coyote Rush and Fox Storm and now you’re in the Shockuation Room.

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Son of a Gun

So, I have a real estate closing Friday.

I am in A desperation need for $.

I just received a call for a Substitute teaching job, for………….. no other Friday.



I will just laugh

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