It’s My Birthday…. Why do I still have to go to work?

Vance County, North Carolina- A local man turned 28 years old today and still was expected to carry out his regular duties. These duties included: getting the baby breakfast, changed and ready for the day, showering, not to mention doing the same for himself. Other duties included, having to baby talk to his son, regular talk with his wife, then baby/regular talk all day at work. All of this on his birthday, come on man.

Rod Laden, 28, was said to even wash the damn car on his birthday. “Well, yeah, it’s my birthday, but everyone expects me to keep doing regular shit, don’t they realize it’s my birthday? I mean seriously, come on. First off, I want to sleep in till about 1 p.m., maybe and I mean a very iffy maybe take a shower. Then I might order some delivery food, because God knows I’m not cooking on my birthday. Hell, I might even have the delivery guy feed it to me and his ass better tip me for letting me do that!” Laden continued. “But nope, that’s not how the day went at all. I got up and did all that stuff. Went to work and tried to teach a bunch of students what they are going to need to know so this country doesn’t go down the shit tube. I mean it’s close right now, but I can’t afford to lose these children through the cracks.”

Laden laid out his plans for birthdays in the future, “No one should have to work, no one should have to do anything, it should be a personal national holiday or something. Obama get on that shit, that’s a priority man!”

At press release Rod was doing the dishes after his birthday celebration.

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Man Visits Friend in Hospital: Avoids eye contact with every patient that has their room door open.

Charlottesville, V.A.- Taylor Brown, 26, has been visiting the hospital because his friend had emergency laparoscopic appendectomy. Even though there is only minor complications Brown says his friend is doing fine, but “you still need to show up and visit so you friend thinks you care and shit.”

Taylor’s friend, Skylar Lenin, 29, despite having one of the most douchey names anyone has ever heard is recovering quite fine. “Yeah it’s super cool to know I have a friend like Taylor, he’s been here everyday, even coming in the night that I got here. He is a great guy.”

“I know a lot of people hate hospitals, but I don’t really mind them too much. When you have friends in the hospital, you have to show up and act like you care, even if you don’t give a shit.” Taylor went on, “there is really only one thing that completely bothers me. When I walk up and down the halls, I am not bothered by the stench of cleanser, or smell of slow death, the continuous squeak of shoes on the floor or totes smelling to high heaven of pure human excrement that say ‘soiled linens.’ The thing that really drives me crazy is when you’re walking down the hall and you come upon a door that is open and some sick patient is staring at you with ‘those eyes.’ You know the eyes I’m talking about. They peer around the door, the top of their head barely visible poking out of the blanket. Their eyes saying, “Help me, get me out of here. Others eyes look at me and say, come in here sunny, let me tell you how I am dying of cancer of the everything and all the things I should have done with my life.” Taylor said cringing. “I just hate those eyes, so I don’t look in there, but good God, if they catch a glimpse of you, you’re straight up screwed.”

Taylor was listening to a 78 year old man’s life story at the time of press release.

But, seriously, isn’t Skylar Lenin such a douchey name?

Robinson Murphy

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Politikos Insidiae And Other Things People Pretend To Care About

RALEIGH, N.C.-  In a state that President Obama won by less than 14,000 votes in the 2008 election, a new poll released shows that Obama’s approval rating has fallen to 48%.  The goal of the Obama camp is to target certain voters: young people, minorities, the Eco-friendly, basketball players, the wealthy, the poor, dog owners, cat lovers, nuclear physicists, weird people that wrap themselves and sleep with snakes, garbage men, children, dead people, imaginary friends, animals, stop signs, invalids, homeless, illiterates, cognitively challenged, employers of Red Lobster, aliens, hippies, drug addicts, rock stars, criminals, drunks, pine trees, frequent fliers, left handed guitar players, weeping willows, lampposts, people that play croquet, daffodils, individuals that hate Obama, individuals that love Obama and, finally, all republicans to vote for him in a big way.

November 5th, 2008 Joe Don Mitchell, at that time, third in command of Obama’s election committee, knew his boss had won and he was super pumped, big time, just jazzed, but he had one thing he needed to check. He walked into a room in the White House where the results of the voting were being displayed, studied and analyzed.

He marched straight to the North Carolina war center. His boss, now the forty-fourth President of the United States of America, had won North Carolina by less than 14,000, the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter in 1976. Mitchell was pumped, super pumped, but that wasn’t the real reason he went over there. He picked up the direct line to the chief adviser in North Carolina, “Raymond, what are the results with the triple blind testing we did there?”

“Mitchell, is this line clear?”- Raymond

“Of course it is, Raymond. What do you take me for, some type of a third rate blubbering brass section of a marching band?! I’m in the fucking White House! Shit! No one ever records conversations because of the chance that it may come back to bite them right on testicle, hard, seriously super hard.” – Mitchell

“What was I thinking Joe? I’m sorry, yes, I have the results. Would you like me to fax them over you to? – Raymond

“Fax? Fax! Jumping juice bucket, Raymond, why don’t you walk right out of your stupid front door, grab the first damn bull horn you can find and just proclaim from a boulder the results! Christ, Raymond use your brain, if you were blessed enough to be given one by the sweet God up above. – Mitchell

“Ok, let me just put the finishing touches on the appearance of these findings and I will go get that done for you Joe.” – Raymond

“Sweet Nectar of the Old Goat, did you really think I was fucking serious?!” – Mitchell

“Oh, so you weren’t serious then? I knew it, you’re a funny guy Joe.” –  Raymond

“Yeah, I’m a regular Justin Marshall over here. Anyway, just change all names of people to the typical replacement names. Leave the data alone, I will take care of that myself. I want you to take the report and find the GOD DAMNEDEST BEST BINDER you’ve ever laid your eyes on and put it in there! Put it together with all the color coordination, the little labels and all the jazz that the college professors would mark you down for if they didn’t felt you used enough glitter. Next take that beautiful collection of data, find a sack of potatoes, empty the sack, put the binder in it and then dump the potatoes back on the binder. Send the potatoes with Nancy Mullingsmythe of food services, special delivery. ” – Mitchell

“I will do that immediately Joe, it will be in your office within the hour.” – Raymond

“Tigerlilly Raymond, don’t you fuck this up. If you do, it will be your last lay. Bye.”

“Don’t worry Joe Don, it’s handled, it’s handled.”

“Shit yes it is.” click.

Tigerlily Raymond exploded with quite possibly the biggest, longest, most powerful sigh that any 7’2″ 315 pound man could ever let escape the body. “What a dick.” Raymond said as he started putting together the binder. “All this guy ever does is boss me around and he must think I’m one step from the nut house or something for how stupid he thinks I am.”

Raymond picked up the phone, “get me Nancy Mullingsmythe, Jane.”

“Ok, Raymond, yes sir, right away, coming right up, on the double.” – Jane

Raymond closed his eyes tightly and waited. After a moment he heard a click an a woman say “Mullingsmythe.”

“Hey, Nancy it’s Raymond, I have a job for you.”- Raymond

“Oh, a job huh? You know you can just text me if you want to have phone -” -Mullingsmythe

Raymond cut her off, “No, I have a real job, it’s urgent.” – Raymond

“Oh, boy, it’s always urgent with you.” – Mullingsmythe

“Stop it, seriously, after I tell you what you need to do for Joe Don Mitchell, you will not be turned on whatsoever.” – Raymond

“Ok, prude, what the heck is the BIG job?”- Mullingsmythe

“You’ll find out soon enough, come to Warehouse 3502-C, bring a sack of potatoes.”

– Raymond

“Sack? Potatoes? Warehouse 3502-C? I don’t like the sounds of this, Tigerlilly. It’s is just to fishy for me” – Mullingsmthe

“Good, Warehouse 3502-C is by the wharf. Now get moving we don’t have much time.” – Raymond …click….

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Man Watches Infomercial So Long That Product Seems Viable

Bacon, DE- Local resident, Jeremiah Bologna, 31, was said to watch the Magic Bullet infomercial three times in a row before even noticing he was sitting at the edge of his couch completely enthralled with what was now blaring at top volume on his television at four a.m.

“When it first came on I couldn’t help but think that it was the most ridiculous commercial I had ever seen. But, when they started doing demonstrations of all the things the Magic Bullet could do, I couldn’t resist becoming a fan. Not only is the product just amazing, the people in this commercial are so loveable,” Bologna said as he was furiously ripping apart the mail he received hoping that one of the packages would contain the Magic Bullet he ordered.

Bologna continued, “The commercial starts off the morning after this massive like, ‘End of the World’ party at Mick and Mimi’s house. It really took me back to my college days, of course there would have been more chicks at one of my parties. Anyway, the guests wake up one by one all hungover and looking ragged. Lucky for them Mimi and Mick are pumped to show them their favorite party accessory- The Magic Bullet!”

“I would say that my favorite characters would be Hazel and Berman. Hazel is continuously smoking a cigarette that is looming to fall out of her mouth, but it never does, it’s amazing! She’s amazing! And that Berman, oh man, he is a trip. He stumbles out into the kitchen looking like he drank a half gallon of Heaven Hill vodka. I love it! The rest of the guests proceed to make fun of him being a raging drunk for the rest of the commercial! It’s wonderful!” Bologna said, his smile never in danger of leaving his face.

Bologna went on for the better part of thirteen hours telling me his favorite parts of the infomercial which turned out to be every single part, multiple times. Jeremiah then launched into a thirty-five minute diatribe on how the commercial depicts the need for close friends to have a sleep over at least once a month.

Watch Part I of Infomercial

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Leyland Gets Contract Extension Tigers to Promptly Tank Season

Cleveland, OH- Tuesday the Detroit Tigers’ skipper received a one year contract extension, the Tigers held up their end of the deal by losing in the 14th inning to the second place Cleveland Indians. “The way I look at it is we’ve been in first place for about a month, which is about long enough. I got my extension now so we can relax and blow it down the stretch like we have the past four seasons,” Leyland said while smoking three cigarettes at once. Leyland continued, “If you think about it we have this three game series with Cleveland in Cleveland, we get swept there no problem. The lead is down to what two games at that point? Either way, we play them in about a week, so we can finish the lead off then. Plus, you have to factor in a Brad Penny start in that week or ten days, which is a loss for sure. When Penny pitches I don’t even make the lineup, I ask a random child on the street to pick the lineup, sometimes I get a stray Batman or Superman, I just put Raburn in for those. Don’t even ask me why I wouldn’t try pitching our rookie Jacob Turner.”

Leyland also plans on saving a spot for Brandon Inge who is currently in the minors and is batting a stellar .177 this season.

Stay Tuned Tigers Fans!

Coyote Rush

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Southwest Suffer From Unseasonably High Temperatures

Phoenix, AZ- A couple awoke to sweat and extreme discomfort as temperatures overnight remained in the low 90’s.

“This is so unusual,” said Phoenix resident Julia Johnes, who mentioned that the extra blanket she added three nights ago is so silky and comfortable, it will be extremely difficult to take off this time of the year.

“It’s like summer in August!”  Johnes quipped.

The desert couple is sticking together in this time of need. “I am going to shave my husband’s beard today. It’s such a shame because he was looking forward to having that beard for those cold nights coming soon. Also, my husband helped me slip out of the hoody I was wearing last night and actually picked out my outfit today,” mentioned Johnes. That outfit consisted of a bikini top and matching bottoms. Johnes continued, “Lucky for us our jobs and children’s schools have been closed by the City, citing serious health risks for anyone being outside today.”

According to local news station ABC15 KNXV-TV’s weather authority, Amber Sullins, temperatures will remain higher than normal, even forcing the National Weather Service to issue Excessive Heat Warnings for the area  in effect until 8 p.m. Thursday. Record highs have been reported around the city and temperatures will continue to threaten records for days to come.

“It’s just not supposed to be this hot here this time of year. In July we could expect heat of maybe 105 or 110, but 113, in August, in my opinion, it has to be Global Warming,”  said Johnes.

A celebration for the upcoming changing of seasons was majorly effected by the surprisingly heat wave. All local events celebrating the coming of fall were canceled across the city except one. The one event that remained on schedule was an ice sculpting competition put on by the Phoenix Art Museum, unfortunately that ended rather abruptly. Shockingly eight minutes after the blocks of ice were delivered to the sculptors they melted for some reasons. The ice sculpting organizer was quoted as saying “Has to be Global Warming.”

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Oliver Pepper: Trip To Somalia (From New York City to Still New York City)

Upon further inspection there was nothing that resembled what belonged underneath a normal hood. It looked as if I had opened the hood to find a mythical city. There was a waterfall where the battery belonged, Unicorns frolicked to and fro, there was a wizard sitting on a lily pad and of course there were Shruberbubery Trees. I blinked my eyes continuously, but nothing changed! I shut the hood repeatedly and still nothing changed. Ted, what is going on!??! Of course there was no response. I felt a rush of panic coming over me. I tried to keep my composure, but it was difficult as I was close to JFK, but now had a vehicle that had a magical land where the engine was supposed to be!

I got in the car and tried starting it, nothing happened, besides a Smigley Shmo cursing me for even attempting to start Ted. I got out of the car and danced to remember and danced to forgot. Finally, I got back in the car and tried starting it again. The shock of all shocks happened, Ted sprung to life and for some reason, with the “I Dream of Jenie,” theme floating in the air around Ted and I. I said, to myself, “At least it’s not Creed,” and continued down the road.

I heard a faint siren coming from somewhere that I couldn’t quite place, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw what looked like a police car, it got closer so I pulled over and it pulled in right behind me. I leaned over to the glove-box and pulled out registration and proof of insurance. When I looked again in the rear-view mirror the police car looked odd. I studied it harder, it seemed to be a modified clown car made to look like an official police car.

The police car sat motionless behind me for quite some time. Finally, a car door was opened and large man in a police uniform stepped out. He took large steps, but it appeared like he was moving in slow-motion toward the car. When he got to the car he asked for my license and registration, which I handed to him immediately.

“Nice car you got here, mind if I take a look under the hood?” he said.

I popped the hood for him.

He came back to my window and said, “Mmhm, just as I thought. Do you have papers for what’s under your hood?”

“What are you talking about?” I said.

“You have a level four village powering your Fiat, like I said, do you have papers for it?” The officer said, which I could now see his name was M. Clambake.

“Sir, I gave you all the papers I have. I have the car insurance, the registration and my license. I don’t have anything for the level four, what was it, village or some. I don’t even understand how a level four village could power my car?” I said.

“You know exactly how it can power a car and you know exactly how illegal it is without the proper permit. Now, we can either do this the hard way or the easy way. Take your pick.”

“What’s the easy way?” I say.

“Get out of the car Mr. Pepper.” said the officer.

“What did I-
The officer interjects, “Stop the insubordination if you don’t want to spend the night in jail, get out of the car young man!”

I open the car door and get out of the car immediately putting my hands above my head. He leads me around to the front of Ted and points down at where my engine should be. I pretend to be surprised, but I can tell he sees right through it.

“Don’t give me any of that crap, Pepper. I know what’s going on here.” He said.

Without thinking I blurt out, “Good, that makes one of us.”

Instantly I’m on the ground and handcuffed.

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Heat Wave

It is so hot outside I was barely even able to reach the keyboard to type up this important news. I think slowly we will all be changing into legos and melting over the next week. This will be us at the end of the week.

Lego on fire

Yes, we will all have also lost our minds and be sitting in inflatable rafts.

With much NEWS!,
Fox Storm

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Best CD Ever?

The Arrow Liquors- Missing: Steven Givens

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Boom, boom, pow.


boom goes the dynamite.

Is it a requirement that in every action or thriller type movie there needs to be a minimum of at least three explosions or gigantic crashes?

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