Apple Admits New Iphone Sexist

When owners of the new Iphone: cleverly named something like ‘Iphone 4’, use ‘Siri,’ a voice activated personal assistant type thing that can help you do things like: stalk that hot dude that you don’t have the guts to talk to or find a gas station, they will hear: a kind, sexy, stay at home, stay in the kitchen, huge high heelin’, taking out the trash, dish doing, not knowing how to fix anything or work a remote, clean up my dang mess type, woman’s voice. That was a reasonably long sentence, wasn’t it?

People have told me (I don’t have an Iphone, nor will I spend the ridiculous amount of money on the phone to only drop it over and over almost breaking it, but not quite, just enough to have more than 78% of the features become useless and then three months later have the Iphone 5 come out.) that Siri responds to owners inquriers in a kind of human, sort of robot android type voice that’s low, efficient and totally a chick. (Well, at least in the United States and four other countries. In France and the UK, Siri is a dude.)

Supposedly this roboty woman’s voice has been hit on been more than one Iphone user, asking questions like, “Hey baby, got any plans for the night?”

In which Siri responds with typical girl gusto, “I am seeing someone.”

Some author or whatever, had a whole big dumb reason explaining Apple’s decision to try setting females back 40 years. “It’s much easier to find a female voice that everyone likes than a male voice that everyone likes,” said Clifford Nass, author of “The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: What Machines Teach Us About Human Relationships.” “It’s a well-established phenomenon that the human brain is developed to like female voices.”

That has to be the worst title of a book I’ve ever seen.

“Cultural stereotypes run deep,” said Nass, who details the BMW episode in his book.

At press release, women everywhere were trying to figure out whether they should feel proud or ashmed of Siri.

–James Dust–

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Conservatives and Liberals Both In For Annoyingly Long Ride

Las Vegas, NV– The CNN/Western Republican Presidential Debate in Las Vegas is only the tip of a giant iceberg of the ridiculously stupid and annoying Presidential campaign for the Republicans.

For whatever reason, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney decided it would be a great idea to start a pathetic political fight. And I do mean it was pathetic, check it out, Romney said this, “Rick, again, Rick, again, I’m speaking… This has been a tough couple of debates for Rick, and I understand that. And so you’re going to get testy.” Seriously, dude? You want to be president? Grow up and grow a pair. If you are going to get into some peeing match with another possible choice for president (and I use those terms loosely) please, for the love of God, say something worth quoting. Holy crap, a third grader could come up with something more damaging than that.

Worst of all, some dude actually bought this load of garbage as a real story.

“Oh, they don’t get along,” said John Avlon, a CNN contributor. “They don’t like each other.”

He had more to say and it was all pointless and I feel way dumber for repeating it, but here goes, “I mean, it (the fake stupid fight) was amazing,” he said. “You look at Rick Perry’s eyes. I mean, this could have gotten physical if they were in high school.” Avlon continued to eat this crap with the biggest spoon in the history of mankind saying that the two ‘presidential hopefuls’ have “personal animosity.”

Seriously, friends? This is going to be a terrible thing to watch for the next year. It’s going to be out and out painful. The GOP members that make the most sense aren’t even considered to be front runners. Oh, my, God, God bless America. *Ties noose.*

–James Dust–

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Gaddafi Dies: Libya Totally Confused

Tripoli, Libya- For months citizens of Libya have rebelled and tried with all their hearts and minds to overthrow the tyrannical dictatorship of Muammar al-Gaddafi and finally saw their dreams become reality.

Uh, what now?

However, with his death comes monumental changes in the country that has be ravished for years by spending billions of dollars of their oil money on: needless wars, purchasing arms and men to fight in these wars and finally, “just plain pissing it away,” said local man Al-Farouq Al-Mein Alphonso Alonzo Mourning Islam.

“I don’t have a damn clue what we’re going to do now he’s (Gaddafi) dead. Seriously, at least we knew what sort of crap we were in when he was running the country, now we just have to guess,” said Al-Farouq Al-Mein Alphonso Alonzo Mourning Islam.

In the sreets of Tripoli the sounds of gunfire, car horns and cheers were constantly being mistaken with celebration, when in fact it was all out chaos and confusion.

In Misrata a city nearly destroyed by attacks during the Libyan war, motorists slammed their horns and randomly came to screeching stops as confused citizens rushed in and out of traffic on busy sections of roadways.

On Thursday, U.S. President Barack Obama said to Libya, “You have won your revolution. Oh my sweet good God, what the hell is going to happen now?” He pledged American support and trillions of dollars to Libya’s reconstruction effort– as convoluted and misguided as it may be over the next century or so.

–James Dust–

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Woman Tries To Earn Extra Money, But Wears Wrong Outfit

Victor, NY- Area woman Tina Tinytoeson, 26, had a bright idea on how to earn a little extra cash. However, sadly, the money she made from substitute teaching came up far short of making up for the pain and anguish she suffered as a result of the poor wardrobe choice.

When I arrived in Victor, I sat down with Tina in a small: dimly lit, over-priced, hipster wannabe, skinny jean wearing, baby tee shirt and a visor mandatory outfit, coffee house annoying called, “The Magic Bean.” In this place Tina said to me, “I don’t know why I did it?! I mean, I woke up and I was shivering, so I checked the weather and it was going to be like 40 something. So, I thought to myself ‘hey, why don’t you wear that new sweater you bought, it would look so good with those purple flats!'”

However, when she got to school she was in for a rude awakening, “the school was like 85 degrees, I was like super sweaty all day, I hope the kids still thought I was kind of hot.”

When I asked one of the students what he thought of Ms. Tinytoeson, he said, “She was super sweaty, but if I was 17 I would totally ask her out on a date. Try for second base, you know what I’m saying dude?”

–James Dust–

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Senior Citizen Believes Internet Isn’t Quite Cracked Up Like It’s Supposed To Be

Hi, I’m James Dust, some of you might know me from places like the ‘internet’ or ‘Facebook’, but if not: now you do.

Anyway, I was asked by my college buddy, Coyote Rush to join the site’s fine cast of investigatory journalists. So I did. And this is why this is being typed and you are moving your eyes from left to right unless you’re completely reading things wrong. But, if you are still understanding what I’m saying, GOOD for you!

The reason I am writing is because I heard of a man that isn’t a fan of the internet. So, I knew that was a hot lead and needed to be acted on quickly before that dang Charles Gibson snags up another blasted red hot story. So I took the midnight train headed anywhere. Well, it really was headed for anywhere, but I kindly asked the train conductor to take me to Mobile, Alabama. So, thankfully for me, he did.

Mobile, AL- Mobile citizen Edward Cutlery, 91, “can’t seem to figure what all the fuss is about that dag gum inter-whats-it. Dab nabit, all the young people today walking around with things plugged in their ears, singing God knows what, coming out of their mouths!”

Cutlery has been seen chasing groups of preadolescences listening to Lady Gaga: up and down the sidewalk while barely maintaining his silk boxer briefs with heart shapes on them around his waist, screaming, “You pretweens! Come back here! This neighborhood isn’t meant for your ‘heavy metal, rock n’ roll’ music! Take your Roy Orbison and Ipaddles to your room and don’t come out here for a week!”

–At press release Edward Cutlery was noted to be swinging emphatically at a group of approximetely five thirteen year old girls screaming “get out of here you street walkers! Not in this neighborhood!”

-James Dust-

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Politikos Insidiae And Other Things People Pretend To Care About (Part IV)

Julia’s clinic- “The Julia Ann Mailfraud Clinic To Get Your Brain Fixed and Possibly Assist In Your Battle With The Cold or Flu Too!” The building was a sprawling monstrosity of a structure. Julia’s clinic creates the illusion of the building sucking in gigantic pulls of air and exhaling it back into the atmosphere like an over sized infant disagreeing with the baby food’s flavor. Honestly, the building swells and contract in a rhythmic fashion full of life and activity. A fact that shouldn’t be overlooked is that the architect whom designed the clinic created it to resemble a humanoid robot type being. It spanned one acre in length and two acres in width. The clinic towered over the horizon with a omniscient smirk on its humanoid robot face, 13 stories above the ground.

The architect that conceived the building was known on Earth as Rutherford B. Surya. Rutherford B. Surya has hair, feet, teeth, toenails, and arms of gold. Supposedly he is said to drive through the city in his fanciful chariot by seven horses or one horse with seven heads. He’s sort of a weird dude.

Let’s just say that if the building came alive and became an angry humanoid robot beast: the speck of dust floating in the vast nothingness of space that we call Earth and all of its inhabitants that think they are: way too smart, way too stupid, gorgeous, ugly, fat, too skinny, too big of a nose, too small of a nose, hate their smiles, don’t have intercourse enough, have intercourse too often, get AIDS, can’t seem to pop out enough babies for their liking, popping out so many babies that their parents can’t find enough food in the world to feed them, take too many chemicals, don’t take enough chemicals, cry too much, don’t cry enough, hug too much, don’t hug enough, talk too much, become self-made mutes, some that like to take a sharp object and cut a person in the neck to that paper out of their wallets, ones that like to take a sharp object and cut a person in their belly, look into their guts and play with them for a few hours in an attempt to comprehend “How the hell do we actually work?”

Anyway, back to the point: After years and years of Jimmy feeling pretty stupid, gloomy and all in all poopy about himself, he called Julia’s clinic- if you could even call it a clinic. I mean frankly dude, the thing is freaking huge. Honestly, the clinic is larger than most towns in Georgia The Julia Ann Mailfraud Clinic To Get Your Brian Fixed and Possibly Assist Your Battle With The Cold or Flu Too! has the second highest population in the whole state of Georgia when all employees and patients are in the building.

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Politikos Insidiae And Other Things People Pretend To Care About (Part III)

Joe Don Mitchell was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1973. He had the most gorgeous parents a boy could even begin to imagine. When he was growing up he thought that everyone’s parents looked like his. This changed when he started high school and the popular boys in school started to make jokes about how much they wanted to have more than friendly relations with his mother,and some even made comments about how much they would love to do the same with his father, if it was socially acceptable, of course. That slightly made Joe Don uncomfortable because, well, it’s sorta just weird.

His mother’s name is Julia Ann Mailfraud and is one of the kindest people you would ever meet. Julia won Miss Georgia eight times when she was seventeen years old. She continued to win pageants consistently and constantly (you have to check out this girl’s room, it’s a bit ridiculous, seriously.). When she finally retired from the whole glory and fame of it all, in 1985 at the age of thirty. She had won every competition she entered and even some of the ones she didn’t. I didn’t count the trophies, ribbons, plaques and so on, but I was told there was roughly 131,000 of them altogether.

Anyway, because of her retirement, the whole world was shocked, and in her honor a day of remembrance to how amazing she was at what she did was dedicated to her. It was a thirty eight foot solid gold statue made in her image. In her pose she is forever frozen with the biggest, toothiest, gaping grin on her face.
Her retirement was because she felt she needed to follow her true calling: brain surgery. She stormed through undergrad school and medical school in a year and a half. She began to perform all varieties of surgeries, brain and otherwise. Seemingly out of nowhere she had so many willing clients that it would be unbearable for any other surgeon in the world. However, Julia held it together swimmingly. Oh, and she loved to swim. She has swam the English Channel on six different occasions just for fun. However, the demands for her by the clients wishing to see her forced her to build her own clinic or center.

Joe Don Mitchell sort of has a dad. His dad’s name is Jimmy Munger Mitchell. Jimmy Mitchell was born in Toledo, Ohio in 1945. To put it as kindly as I as can: from Narrator to You: He did not have an easy life. Jimmy Munger was born without a brain. The Obstetrician, Dr. Obtuse, the man with the responsibility of delivering him had this to say about Jimmy “this boy is the most beautiful thing that anyone on the planet could ever dream of seeing. And I delivered it! Ms. Mitchell, it’s a boy and he is beyond perfection in his health.”

Following the litany of standard tests the hospital run on all new born babies, it was discovered that he had: the heart, lungs, liver, eyes, spleen, guts, kidneys, ears, genitalia, and pinky toe of a champion tennis player. One of the nurses looked at him and said “Give him 18 years, he’ll win Wimbledon.” However, he had NO brain. His skull was a cavernous space full of nerves, but without a mushy ball of bloody sponginess of nerves and other gushy things that form the thing humans call ‘brains.’ For his entire life Mitchell has been trying to make up for the fact that he has no brain. His lack of brains have not been a factor in his rise to the top. However, it sure does make him crabby and defensive on matters of intellectual debates and discussion.

So, I know, readers that you must be pretty sure that you’ve figured out that somewhere in the universe, some mystic power: call it fate, destiny, luck, chance, God, Jesus, Yoda, ‘your higher power’ and so on, made Julia and Jimmy bump into each other.

NOW… Stop distracting me guys and gals! I have a story to tell.

Jimmy Munger Mitchell, after years of feeling insecure and inadequate decided wholeheartedly that he was going to do something about, “this damn silly thing of not having any brains.”

He had heard of an amazing doctor in Atlanta, Georgia. Her name or whatever people called her was, Julia Ann Mailfraud. Julia, I mean, excuse me, Dr. Mailfraud has her own Neurology center filled with 200,000 drones that buzzed this way and that way all according to Julia’s wishes. Whoosh– wash, they buzzed throughout the different examining rooms and hallways. All the while examining and doing other nursely, doctorly and technicianal jobbie doos: drawing blood, giving blood, giving blood pressure tests and reading their results, checking heart rates, calculating cholesterol ratios, cleaning up the poop that the patients couldn’t do for themselves laying in bed, sick and or dying, and finally in sad few circumstances, recording the time and placing the sheet over a person’s eyes for the last time.

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Politikos Insidiae And Other Things People Pretend To Care About (Part II)

Read Part 1

Nancy leaned back in her black leather office chair that she paid way too much of her own money for, thinking to herself, “a ten pound bag of potatoes huh? Or was it twenty? I never know what Raymond wants from me, from this job, from a game of scrabble, nothing!” She went on and on, seriously, for quite a long time.

Nancy Mullingsmythe was a 29 year old woman with brown hair, blue eyes and a body that have made multiple men jump from moving trains to pursue her. She grew up in Victor, New York. The daughter of a highly successful author of self help books, dvds and other media. His bestseller was called, “I’m not saying I’m God, but I’m pretty much as smart.” Nancy didn’t try in grade school, but it didn’t hurt her academics. She got the highest test scores in the entire state from kindergarten through senior year.

After a few moments she stood up and stretched her long legs from behind the desk. She locked her office door as she exited, telling Lara, the Executive Administrator “I have important directives from Mitchell, and may not be back for the rest of the day.”

Lara responded by saying “I will forward all your calls straight to voice mail: email and video, that you planned to receive today to your mobile.”
“That sounds perfect like always, Lara, probably see you tomorrow.” Nancy loved Lara and she wasn’t sure why, Lara rarely bathed, she answered the phone half of the time by saying “What do you want?” And was out and out rude to most people, but nonetheless, Nancy and Lara got on famously.

Nancy took the electro-glide from the 28th floor of Food Services Building to the main lobby. She crossed the lobby toward the revolving door motioning a ‘hello and a goodbye’ to Regina the chief of information and security for the day shift at Food Services Building. Nancy continued through the door and exited the building finding herself at Canal Street. She would need to go about 48 blocks north west to get to Food Services’ Warehouse. That is where all the food is maintained, packaged and stored. “Plenty of damn potatoes there, whatever the hell Raymond and Mitchell boy want them for.”

At the White House, in North Carolina’s war room, Joe Don Mitchell sat in his oversized chair, behind his oversized desk, talking on his ridiculously oversized phone, that was in the shape of a frying pan, only it was three times larger than a typical frying pan. If there was one thing that Mitchell loved more than politics and power is was cooking. He sat there, looking about as smug as possible, talking on the phone and moving his arms in over dramatic fashion so everyone in the room knew how serious shit was. It wasn’t serious though. Mitchell was talking to Eugene Gunderberry an orthopedic surgeon who was in his fantasy football league. “Eugene, you have to make this happen, you stupid son of a snail, I have to have this deal, it means the whole year, Eugene!” and he slammed the frying pan on the desk as hard as he could breaking it into about thirteen pieces. “Shit!” Mitchell said. Everyone in the room starred at him, while hoping that he won’t notice it. But, of course he notices, that’s the whole reason he did it by the way. He has a closet at his house filled with frying pan telephones.
Mitchell shouted, “Pam! What are you looking at?”
“Nothing sir, just heard a loud noise is all-” Pam muttered as she was interrupted by Mitchell.
“Pam, please come here.” Joe Don said as reassuringly as he could.
Pam was able to squeak out.“Yes, Mr. Mitchell.”
“Pam, I like you. You’re a good worker, honest, loyal, that’s why I am going to forgive you for starring at me so disrespectfully. However, I have a job for you now.”
Pam brightened up, and asked excitedly, “What is it Mr. Mitchell?”
Joe Don hadn’t thought this far ahead, “Um, Pam, how long have been one of my assistants?”
“Well, your mother hired me as your baby sitter when you turned 17, so, I guess since then, which would be uh, 24 years ago, right?” Pam said with pride.
Joe Don laughed with embarrassment and acted like it was a long running joke saying, “My baby sitter at 17, oh Pam, that’s why I love ya!”

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Hipster or Homeless? How to Spot the Difference

In today’s fast-moving society, it’s important to size up your competition in the heat of the moment. But with recent changes in fashion and dress codes, it’s often difficult to tell a hip marketing whiz kid from a penniless street urchin. That’s why the Shockuation Room has put together a handy field guide highlighting the key differences.

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Congress To Pass New Health Bill

Washington— On Capitol Hill many congressmen and women have finally realized what every single person in the United States wants. More laws that are intended to improve our health.

Over the past five to ten years many states have passed laws banning cigarette smoke in public buildings. This was met with completely no backlash and was celebrated by many smokers and non-smokers alike.

Jerry Poopindale, 44, a smoker for the past 30 years actually took a week off of work just to get into a bar and see what it was like now there was no cigarette smoke. “Yeah, I was stoked! I was slightly disappointed about the fact that my freedoms were taken away by the people that run the country like they didn’t even matter, but overall, I was thrilled.”

The bill being proposed by House Representative Michael E. Capuano is aimed to cut down the possibility of contracting disease. The main goal of the bill is to remove citizens that are battling, have battled and survived and recovered from cancer out of the general public. Congressman hopes that the willingness of the general public to ban cigarette smoke from public bars will aide in passing this bill into law. Capuano had this to say, “I am completely aware of the possibility of some heat and bitter debate that might come from this bill. I am totally aware of it. However, that does not change the fact that we need to move people with cancer away from healthy people. It’s going to be hard for some of us, but we will overcome, we are Americans! I am fully aware of the difficulties of this bill for example: my mother, brother, father, sister, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt and all of my cousins have had cancer at one point in their life, heck even my best five friends have had cancer. It may be a little lonelier, but I feel safer already just getting this idea into the discussion in Washington with the brightest minds in the world.”

—At press release highly confused little old ladies were being shuffled into government vans and whisked to their new residences.

Stay Tuned

Coyote Rush

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