Covers and Originals

United States- 9:11 P.M. Marlette…

Where in the world do ideas come from?

More than likely the brain. That’s where we separate ourselves from species that have died off. There will always be controversy because as long as there have been ideas there have been naysayers, haters, cynics, disbelievers and sadly the ones that can’t think for themselves.

What is fair and what is unfair in this world?

Everyone has a burden to bare. If that is that once someone had an idea and they let it go: yes, that is sad. If someone ever let someone out of their life because it was not for the greater good, that can be seen as both sad and positive correct? The more we fight and disagree who is actually right, the more what we are fighting for begins to become: jaded, confused, hazed, razzed, stabbed, beaten, abused, and dirtied.

That’s not fair to anyone in my opinion.

As long as there have been ideas: which by my own brain means abstract thoughts that have not been scientifically proven because they did not pass a certain test, there have been tragedies, parodies, comedies and whatever else.

In America, where we all believe in being free…

What does that mean!? What does that mean to you? The more bills we pass then void what does that mean? Does it mean that we are omitting that at one point we had this problem, but this hot button issue NEEDS a cement plug on it?

The House, The Senate, The Legislative, The White House, The Oval Office, The Pentagon:

Those our are checks and balances.

The Churches, The Schools, The Universities… The real world, the working world.

Are they not all the same if we are striving toward the same goal?

Again- communication, trust, respect and actions matter.

Ideas- Yes, they matter too. Who has the right and who has the fight in them to make this work?

Our world is a troubled place. AND no one should have to know all the troubles.

The Earth is a Blue- Green ball. Perfect in its environment. Imperfections: Yes, that’s all around us. Do we believe that the majority of people are pulling for the same goal. Or do we go to war against EVERYTHING.

That’s why we have checks and balances. That’s why we have people that recite history, that’s why we have people that rewrite history, that’s why we have people that can NEVER know it all.

Trying to understand it all can be the biggest problem.

However, blocking the creative freedom of the people that are out in the world trying to make a living in whatever way they think is correct is plain wrong. If, someone has made a mistake and plagiarized one thing, does that make them a forever liar?

If when a group of teenagers are in their garage and they say, “I like the Beatles.” And they play Love Me Do. Does that mean that for the rest of their life everything they do and create is flawed and can never be perfect?

That’s why there are questions.

That’s why there are people that try to have answers and people that will never have answers.

A copy of a copy is still a copy.

That’s genetics.

A song created and a song enjoyed is just that. An idea that has came to fruition and is in the creators mind: Perfect at that time.

Censorship at times is necessary. However, censorship that is limiting growth is behind neglect. It’s out and out madness, blindness and stupidity.

Yes! There will be people that always push the limits. But, that’s why there is limits! There have to be, but there have to be people standing up saying, “I believe, that what I believe, is what I believe and what I believe is my opinion, take it or leave it and I think it’s right.”

You can’t take away that right or you can just cross out what the founding fathers wanted. Thus, destroying what the country was founded on, thus taking the base of EVERYTHING we have ever stood for away.

As a male in the free world of America, don’t take away the right to be creative.

If someone practices a Mozart song for 3 years. Shouldn’t that person have the right to have people listen and be funded for their work?

We can volunteer our entire lives, but if we aren’t going to take care of ourselves, who is?

As I am writing this I am getting confused.

I can pretty much bet that someone has written something almost exactly like this.

Does that mean that I researched for 400243024 hrs, to write this just so I can be a liar?
No. I am writing this from my brain, these words are words that have always existed in some way. But, someone has to arrange them or they make no sense. If someone has ideas, but can’t begin or end the ideas shouldn’t there be someone that is there to fill in the holes? The wounds? The gaps in time and space?


Almost of the time I write stream of consciousness and do not go back and change what I did. Some call that type of writing bashing, ramming, jamming ideas down. Whatever. Somethings work for people, some OTHERS, type, erase, type, erase and are never happy when they press save.

Either way. Time will tell.

Are there things I have written that I will forever be sorry that the thought came through my mind. YES! And that is what being a HUMAN BEING MEANS. So…

If you want to not let me publish this on my website that my brother and I started as a joke and has developed into a lot more. Whatever. Sometimes a friend becomes family, sometimes a joke becomes $ and sometimes nothing becomes nothing.

Take your pick, I guess.

But, don’t pass another law you will need to repeal because you did it out of haste or in spite of something else.

Please, slow down. Please, think twice, please make the right


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Probably the funniest story I’ve ever wrote today at 9:45 p.m.

Hello everyone!!

Once upon a time there was a person. He woke up and asked what he needed to do today. Another person, let’s call him other person said, son you need to get out of bed.

Player 1: I am out of bed that’s why I asked what I needed to do today.

Player 2: You’re out of bed, but what have you forgot to do today?

Player 3: Opens door, listens… “Why are you two fighting again.”

Player 4: Parachutes from the sky… YO YO YO YO YOY OY YOYOYOYOYOYO




Player 1: No.

Player 3: “HUH, Why are you fighting?”

Player 2: “Have you looked in the toilet recently?”



Who has laughy taffy?

No one, but I have some laffy taffy, there is a good joke on it. Who wants to hear it?

PLAYER 1-4: IDO! I mean… I do.

Player: Who starts the joke?

pLAYter 3: This shure is getting confusing.

The end at 9:47 p.m. on a Monday, In Marlette.

Dedicated to the reporters/tipsters of the Shockuation.


Thank you again.





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Przyjaciel Prosze Wybacz Mi

You’re welcome for all you did.


Now stay in Michigan where it’s nice.

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The Jaysun Jastin Apology

By: Jazin and Justin

One time The Giant Huge Large Big Humungous Mother Superior Stink Think Shrink Head had something to say about something. So that is what he did! He strolled uneasily because of the amount of drink that was still left in his system from the night before onto the roof of his apartment complex. This was where he was known to hang out on occasion. Although, this night seemed to be different than all the rest. The air was cooler, the moon was bigger, and he had somebody else’s shoes on. The Giant Huge Large Big Humungous Mother Superior Stink Think Shrink Head couldn’t remember where those shoes came from, but he knew they weren’t his. It didn’t matter much to him because he was pretty proud of those shoes. He cupped his hands around his mouth and began, “Hey! Everyone! Have you seen my shoes?!” This was not what he had planned to say, he had an entire speech written out on a completely different topic. The words that escaped his mouth shocked and a little, but he liked it. The Giant Huge Large Big Humungous Mother Superior Stink Think Shrink Head couldn’t remember where those shoes came from, but he knew they weren’t his. It didn’t matter much to him because he was pretty proud of those shoes. He cupped his hands around his mouth and began, “Hey! Everyone! Have you seen my shoes?!” This was not what he had planned to say, he had an entire speech written out on a completely different topic. The words that escaped his mouth shocked him a little, but he liked it.


He then looked around and realized he was all alone. “Or was he?” he couldn’t help but think. He also couldn’t shake the thought that these beautiful, high class, blue and green, bowling shoes he was wearing were about 14 sizes too big! “Man these look so sweet” he thought as he stared down at them. “Why do they seem to be alive?” was all he could wonder.


“That’s because they are,” said a man with a strange hat on his head who crept out of the shadows.

“Who are you,” asked The Giant Huge Large Big Humungous Mother Superior Stink Think Shrink Head.

“I am the Great Ignalla, Wizard of the Rooftops,” he replied.


“Would you please get off the ground and quit staring at my shoes please?” The Wizard asked politely, but slightly annoyed.



“What??? Wow! I could have sworn I was looking at my own feet! Weird!!!!” The Giant Huge Large Big Humungous Mother Superior Stink Think Shrink Head yelled at the top of his lungs.



“And quit yelling about everything as well!” replied the Wizard with a sternness in his voice.



“Sorry, I just get excited sometimes, I have to yell to get my feelings across,” said The Giant Huge Large Big Humungous Mother Superior Stink Think Shrink Head.

“I understand completely, but the shoes you’ve been staring at the past three hours can force anyone into a spell, it works much more efficiently than yelling,” said Ignalla.

“Wow, where did you get them?”

“I got them at a bowling alley, where else would you get bowling shoes? And don’t even say “You could order them online,” Ignalla said mockingly in the voice of The Giant Huge Large Big Humungous Mother Superior Stink Think Shrink Head.


“But you can get them on-” “What did I just say?” Interrupted the Wizard.



“Please grant me 3 wishes” Asked The Giant Huge Large Big Humungous Mother Superior Stink Think Shrink Head or T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H. as some people like to call him for short.


“You’re one of those people, aren’t you,” asked Ignalla.

T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H. was taken aback by this question, “What do you mean?” he said.

“Nevermind, what do you want kid?”

“You mean it? I can have my wishes?”

“Not if you keep talking that way,” Ignalla added obviously growing more and more annoyed.


“OMG! WTF? Seriously? Like, what?” T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H asked like a little girl.


“Wow that’s much better!” The Wizard said sarcastically.


“Okay, I’m saving my wishes. In the meantime, let’s go play badminton downstairs in the courtyard!” T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H said excitedly.


“Yes! That’s what I’m talking about!” The Wizard said with a happy tone in his voice finally. So the two of them headed down to the courtyard, taking the winding stairway all the way from the top of the 982 story building.


“This is gonna take awhile!!!” T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H complained, but despite the complaining, they made it after about 2 1/2 hours.


“To The Badminton!” The WIzard whispered, while pointing his right finger high in the air.


“You’ll have to excuse my poor state of equipment,” said T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H. “We actually play with a real birdie here.”

“Oh, my, God,” Ignallas muttered under his breath.

“What,” T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H. said worryingly as he looked at the Wizard.

“Oh my, how realistic you take the rule book, fun!” The Wizard tried to say excitedly.

“That’s not all,” said T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H. pulling out the racquets each with built in speakers on them blaring indecipherable 1970’s rock n’ roll. “Get it? Racket!!”

“Joy.” The Wizard meekly replied.


“You kind of complain a lot!” T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H said under his breath.


“What was that?” The wizard asked calmly, while staring down T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H with a ferocious stare.


“I said, I wonder if in Maine it’s hot!” lied T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H.


“Oh, well not this time of year!” replied the wizard, who felt somewhat bad for getting mad so easily.


“I used to live there”


“Maine sucks. It’s so boring there.” muttered T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H under his breath again.


“What was that?” asked the Wizard again, now wondering if he was hearing things.

“I said, the main ducts, their not blowing there!” lied T.G.H.L.B.H.M.S.S.T.S.H again as he pointed up to the outside air conditioning ducts, which are in fact, a huge waste of money and resources.

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Another story that someone had to read. It’s a little wordy…

The Building that was never fully built

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Self Esteem Part I of ?

The Importance Of Self Esteem
When is the last time you stopped and thought how important self-esteem is? It plays a factor in your life nearly every second of every day. Self-esteem also is connected to self image which we will cover later.
Self esteem can be defined as an individual’s self assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. However, I believe that self-esteem goes even deeper than that description. A crucial piece of information is that self-esteem can be improved no matter how great or how terrible you feel about yourself.
Take an honest assessment of your current self-esteem.
What are some of your strengths?
 ­ ___________________________________________________________________________________­ ___________________________________________________________________________________­ ___________________________________________________________________________________

What do you FEEL are some of your weaknesses?
­ ___________________________________________________________________________________
­ ___________________________________________________________________________________
Now you’ve came up with strengths and weaknesses, which was easier for you to identify? Was it your strengths or weaknesses?
That last question is a key component that contributes to your overall self-esteem. If it is easier for you to come up with weaknesses rather than strengths, don’t panic, it doesn’t mean that you are forever locked into negative self talk.
In my opinion, it is far easier to have poor self-esteem than to have positive or good self-esteem. It is easier to complain about all the things we don’t like about ourselves or events that didn’t go our way: over and over… and OVER. For example: “My hair is stupid, and I don’t like how all my pants fit! My mother thinks that I need to quit my job! I deserved that job I applied for, I nailed that interview and didn’t even get a call back to tell me I wasn’t good enough.”
Again, take a second to think about how petty and deconstructive those statements are. By letting your brain only focus on the negative, what do you think your attitude is going to reflect?
Let me give you a hint: YOU’RE GOING TO FEEL MISERABLE! So stop it!
Individuals that don’t feel good about themselves can be spotted across the room without having to be watched for long. There are ways that individuals are able to discover how you another person is feeling, examples are: how a person sits in a chair, are their arms crossed, aggressively rocking in their chair, eye contact or lack of, the way an individual dresses, where they sit in a room: front row or hiding in the back, ( doesn’t matter if it is the classroom or an office meeting) how they walk (fast, slow or appearing to be carrying the weight of the world) head up or down, posture can be a sign of what is really going on in said person’s mind. Again, the basic premise I keep coming back to is, body language can be a dead giveaway on how an individual is feeling about themselves.
Remember, this is your life!
The negative or toxic people in your life DON’T CONTROL YOU, NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU BELIEVE OR DO ANYTHING! (REMEMBER THAT!!!!!) You need to remind yourself that as many times as you have to, it doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person if every day you say “I will not hang out with James because he triggers me to think poorly of myself.”

Down here now!

Remind yourself again and again! As you can see as I am typing this I have already forgot how many times I have tried to remind myself/you to think positively and cut the negative people out of your life. Sometimes it is impossible to completely remove a person from your life, but you can stop yourself from having the same argument, over, and over, AND… Yup, you guessed it… OVER!
If you have old friends that constantly treat you like you aren’t worth their time unless you use or abuse a substance or they force you to believe that you must be used or abused you: then what are those “old friends?” It sounds an awful lot like a terrible relationship that needs to be erased, or cleaned from your life. In other words they are not a true friend. A true friend can look at you and known that something is wrong. They know you well enough to probe when it is important to absolutely let the fear or problem GO. Some of those toxic friends have made you feel great and they may not even realized how damaging the relationship was becoming, but when there is a relationship not built on having each others’ best interest there is a massive possibility for an abusive relationship to take shape or blossom into a living nightmare. As time goes and you are able to respect yourself those decisions begin to look as clear as an azure sky.
The urge of positive feedback, reassurance and love with always be a crucial part of a person’s psyche, but don’t let it consume you! Remember who you are and what you like about yourself. By letting yourself get consumed in a circular cycle of blame is extremely dangerous. It becomes more hazardous when you’re looking for what you need or desire in all the wrong places. It is like a highly confused Ferris Wheel with a disgruntle carnival worker who is spending his time texting while eating ten to fifteen pounds of cotton candy. Perhaps it is me, but I would have to wager that could possibly lead to a fairly frightening outcome. My guess is it would go something like this: people are laughing and smiling at the view enjoying the company of the person they are riding with and suddenly, without a hint of impending doom, with absolutely no warning the worker and ride simultaneously go haywire! Causing the ride to accelerate or dump passengers at height or speed directly off in to the big sleep. It may be me, but that sounds like the worst rollercoaster I have ever heard.
Your conceived problem(s) can last a whole life time particularly if you let them. It could be as phony as the scenario I discussed before or it could be stranger than fiction (real life) that we never ever want to relive again. That’s the joy of forgiveness and starting over.
Sorry, but, back to my redundancies.
When cleaning the same problem over and over your effort is stunted by the attempt to NEVER let anyone know the real you. There are a lot of different situations that you can fall into. Like, you’ve been told how big of a problem you have been all of your life or every time you have a moment of weakness someone comes out of nowhere and tells you that you’re no problem, I will take the blame for you. Again, confusion grows, guilt, resentment of yourself and isolation come out of hiding. And all the channels created to assist you in fixing or alleviating some your problem(s) become rearranged madness. The fear to tell the one person you know you need to tell becomes a larger issue than need be because admission of your problem, how big or how small allows a sliver, a crack a moment of weakness or inadequacy: and as humans, no one wants to feel small, accidental or unimportant.   
 I believe that after that rant it is important to discover people that have made a difference in your life without there being a concrete reward. It could be anyone, but please keep it clean and positive.
List at least three individuals that made a conscientious effort to help those in need without a guaranteed reward.
Remember that because the people you chose above made an effort to help as many under privileged people around the world doesn’t mean that they never took time to care for themselves. I do believe it is important to note that by choosing the above people, there is great admiration toward them. I have a pretty good idea that one of the people you chose above was not Charles Manson.
Do this: look around the room (in the mirror when you have a chance to be alone) to realize just how lucky and great you are! So do it! Look around the room with a legitimate smile. Go a step farther, say “Hello.” Want to feel even better? Stand up, shake a person’s hand. I bet you will feel better about yourself. This not only helps you, it helps everyone else in the room. Don’t be afraid to let yourself laugh: that’s good medicine. 
Again an important factor to consider is how important it is to understand what self-esteem means to you. After you discover and can put into practice what it means to you: there are a lot of ways to boost your self-esteem. Remember to stay positive!
However, if you are struggling with your self-esteem, don’t kid yourself! It is better to be honest with yourself, locate what you are struggling with and eventually realize how you can improve your self-esteem over time. It is not going to be an over-night fix.
I believe that it is very important to describe in your own words what self-esteem means to you.
Like I mentioned before it may be difficult to describe what self-esteem means to you.  If you are struggling with coming up with positive self-esteem self talk ask yourself what would you suggest to yourself as a pick me up? I would suggest thinking of a person that you respect or believe to have high self-esteem and write down some words that describe them.
Positive self talk leads to positive self esteem.
The following are some examples to find what self esteem means to you.
We are not looking for any specific words, just words that mean something to you about that person.
“I like myself because I go out of my way to help people. I feel confident in my ability to be a great parent/son/daughter/cousin and so on.”

I know I am sounding like a broken record, but it is important to hammer home some of these messages, so on that note. Now you’ve done the above: in your own words define what self-esteem means to you?
Now you have focused on your self-esteem there is always more thoughts and ways to improve self-esteem.
More Ways To Improve Self Esteem

Gleaned by: JAM/Dictated, but not read well by Sanskrit Grumpay

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Story(a) + Storee (b) = Part 4 of ?

Remember when I was going to Scienceville? I am still traveling there. It’s a long trip from the center of the Earth. That isn’t where I am coming from, however, instead I am coming from Michigan. Hey, “Say Yes” to Michigan already. Yes!

Sorry, sidetracked, I walked down to the lake after my nightmare. The nightmare that happened in my three hours of sleep. I had a dream that didn’t make a lot of sense. It was hard to follow, so please don’t think that the dream (i)s foul. It’s just difficult to follow. As I walked down to the large lake, was Lake Huron, I saw the sign as I approached the beach. The air was filled with clouds that didn’t belong. Belonging was not their nature and it was not a part of this story, beside the fact that they were hanging in the air like death. Grey and black, wishing they could morph into giant air fortresses determined to release their poison on any and everything below. It was only after I woke that I began to think that maybe they were bombers instead of clouds.

Back to the point. The dream was heavy. It weighed upon my mind in waves. Larger waves than those that crash and roll back into the coast of lake Huron. The dream had something to do with the beginning of the end. People were fearful, yet excited. They were sure if they sat on the beach, from north to south down the coast: waiting for the current to come in and high tide would provide their sustenance. They would drink of the water and bath themselves all in one swoop of the lake’s wake. Possibly awakening their minds with more bright ideas on how to change the world. Time magazine had already named the “Protestor” to be the person of the year. Smart choice, if you’re an idiot.

The people that stretched together hand in hand along the coast didn’t understand why they were doing what they were doing, but at this point it didn’t matter. They were making noise on megaphones, saying things like “CHANGE,” and “Hope!” “Freedom!” “Lower Taxes!” “Tax the rich!” “Let us smoke drugs!” And all other signs of lunacy that would make sense if the rest of the country was medicated. And… They were. Some way or another. One in four people on this planet has a mental illness. Did you know this? I did.

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Story(a) + Storee(b)= Part 3 of ?

Let me ruin something for you. Life doesn’t come easy for any of us, and if it did then that person would more than likely squander everything that they were given because it was so easy to fall in their lap.

Everyone that made an effort to guide Gene in his quest for understanding his own reality, did it in their own way. Thinking that they must be correct, after all, only a truly great person would take time out of their busy schedule to help a poor young man of that was not aided by typical means. Honestly how could anyone trying to be a James Bond cross bred with Ru Paul not succeed? Luckily this version of Ru Paul thought that philosophy was pretty hot. Almost as hot as he/she thought she/he was hot. So she was really going “Was he a boy or a girl?” He seemed very interested at first if there could have been a fluff- For whatever reason it propelled him into trying to figure out every problem in the world besides his own nagging question. He started looking at pictures for hours at a time, studying, analyzing, breaking them down, building them up. Gene would look at the picture and decide if it was a model’s face on a fat body or reverse or esrever. He wasn’t interested in proving people right or wrong, he was doing it out of sheer boredom.

He would go to large mega stores and stand in front of the magazine racks and look at muscle building mags, his friends thought he wanted to get huge and ripped. But, in reality he was looking to see how ridiculous the person looked and how happy he was to be such bulky-huge and not be able to bend down to grab his tenny-shoes. Sad day.

His friends would leave him at the magazine rack and Gene would continue his break down from one mag to the next, not even noticing that his friends had left him alone. When he finally noticed he didn’t care in the traditional sense of, “OH, MY, God! Where are my friends?” He cared in the sense that, “Oh, great, now I have to walk up and down all the aisles hoping to God that I can find them before they’ve all checked out and went back to the van.” Great times. The only reason that that disturbed him was because he hated to make people uncomfortable. Gene had developed the art of self Martyrdom, not in the sense that he would Bryan Adams you (ANYTHING I DO… I DO IT FOR YOU), but instead that he would make a complete ass out of himself to take the pressure off the person or persons that in a sense would be the most nervous. Gene was excellent at this. However, this as he aged led to a giant predicament.

Gene’s: family, friends, nuances, trainees, bosses, sub-bosses, relatives, haters, lovers, acquaintances, girlfriends (significant others((friends)), boyfriends (best friends((sub best friends), all started to believe that Gene was very strong. He could take whatever any one would dish out. But, in truth, he was the most insecure, saddest, self critical individual that any of them knew or didn’t know. He tried his hardest not to complain unless he knew that his friends, or family would agree with it. He did his best to accept all blame that came his way, even if it did start to make him feel like he was worthless. It was a tough time in Gene’s life, but this is what Gene had been doing his entire life. People said he was weird, but weird was good right? It is an interesting thought if you stop and think about it. Stop. And. Think about it.

(PART 4?)

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Men: Trying To Dress Accordingly, Without and With Female Assistance

Guyvillisburgsontownwellmandudenfield- A man wakes up with plenty of time to spare. He has an important day ahead of him and, like any responsible person has left a good deal of extra time to his disposal in case of emergency.

Anyway, he will be able to take a shower, eat, get ready and all this can be done at his leisure. He brushes the teeth, shaves the face, and hops into the shower. Gets himself Zestfully clean and feels like he’s ready to conquer the world.

Man, who I will now call Quincy, dries off, puts on a pair of short knickers and heads for his bedroom. There he examines his closet quickly: finds a pair of brownish pants, grabs them, finds a yellowish shirt, grabs a yellowish tie, then grabs a blueish argyle sweater vest. “Yes, this will work,” says Quincy. His eyes are still adjusting, so he leaves the light off. He is clothed in a matter of about 8 minutes.

He walks back into the bathroom to see what the finished product looks like. He notices that all the colors go with something else in some scheme or another. However, he then begins to worry that just because he thinks that his ‘outfit’ (and I use that term loosely, because MEN don’t make outfits, they make stuff that works for the day) works and he looks smashing doesn’t mean that the women at work won’t make fun of him for this heinous act of style murder. He can imagine it now…

“Did you see what he wore?! How would he ever think that he could pull off that outfit. And wearing white shoes!? He’s not fooling anybody.

Yikes. Poor Quincy…

Now, how to get dressed with a female. Let’s just call her your current significant other.

Let’s say you are at her place. You spent the night and brought enough clothes to get ready and go where you need to after spending time with “the love of your life.”

The alarm clock goes off at an UNGODLY time. You frantically search for it, but it’s no where to be found. (That search is limited to what you can reach without getting off the bed.) Finally, you find it hidden under stuffed animals and pillows on your side of the bed of course. You look at the time and it’s 5:55 a.m. Your soul mate has some how managed to fall back asleep or stay sleeping throughout this entire process. It’s mind blowing, but so are females in general.

In an attempt to be as gentle and caring as possible you lean over and whisper “What time do you need to get up and ready for work?” In a stupor she responds, “10:00 a.m.”

Instantly your blood boils. You start thinking to yourself, “don’t say it, don’t say anything, don’t say a single word about why the heck she sat the alarm for that time, just DON’T QUINCY.” So, now you’re awake, therefore you get out of bed softly, not to disturb the princess. But, you fail, she’s awake. And now you’re her slave until you leave for work.


“Do you think you could get me a glass of ice water, oh, and a Motrin?”

“How big of a glass? How many Motrin?”

“Just pick one, it’s not hard. And get me the whole bottle if you can make a damn decision on your own accord.”

“Yes, my love.”

Grab the pills, grab the water. Climb the stairs to hear the shower on.

Yup, she did it. She got in the shower before me. The next 45 minutes were to be nothing not unlike torture.

Finally, she’s out. You hop in wash like a monkey on cocaine. Get out through on the clothes your brought. You catch the GF out of the corner of your eye waving her head in disagreement with the choice of clothing.

Oh, no. Do I defend how I look (Worst choice) B. Ask her to help pick out something better because she’s so stylish.

She does. Then she wants to have coffee so you can talk, you say sure, but tell her only one or two cups because you need to get to work as soon as possibly. Of course this hurts her feelings. “Why can’t we ever just enjoy something, you are always ruining things with your gotta be here gotta be there.”

“Sorry dear, do you want to come to my place after work?”

“No! Your place is chilly and I am always at your house.”

“Maybe we can meet at a neutral spot. Like Kaathiey Annieleedoodle Park?”

“Sure, It’ll be fun.”

As I was leaving her apartment, I sent her a text in an effort to end the relationship. I told her this “I’m not sure if I have the time for a serious relationship.”

She responded by saying, “Never always say, never always say, DEATH is FOREVER.”



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Former Governor of Illinois Found Guilty On Many Charges

Springfield Illinois- Rod Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois, was sentenced earlier today to 14 years in federal prison. Blagojevich was convicted on 18 felony corruption charges, the most famous of all was, his effort to sell or trade the Senate seat that President Obama left behind when he moved to the White House. The prosecution claimed that the outcome of the trail was nearly exactly what they had hoped it would be.

The real reason I am writing this breaking news piece is to shed light on the lesser charges of the 18 felony corruption convictions. Rod Blagojevich and his lawyer were able to slide a couple issues away from the forefront of the trial. If you put your thinking cap on you begin to see that there were a couple of charges that no one had been talking about. They are just as important as the other ones. They are important in establishing character and basically how solid of a person he is.

His hair… HIS HAIR!
I imagine that I am not the only one to notice the fluffy goodness of his hair, but goodness,
Am I the only person in the free or for that matter unfree world that looks at this guys hair and instantly have an aneurysm? I mean it, I can actually feel the blood shoot off my brain. What the heck is wrong with his dang hair!!?? It’s like the Donald’s but, just, worse! SOME HOW!

The lawsuit that was filled against Rod Blagojevich had more than 31 different charges, at least 12 of them had to do with that mop on his head. Sheesh!

After the media frenzy died down I got a chance to meet with the judge. Judge James Zagel was a pleasant man and seemed relieved. I asked, “are you happy to be on to the next case?”

Zagle was looking down, eating a home made tuna fish sandwich. He took a bit, looked me in the eye, finished the bit, swallowed and stated, if I had to see his hair for one more day, I was going to hold him in contempt of court and send him straight to the barber.

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