My uncle Bill bought a large box full of mysterious Chinese food for Christmas. It cost him 75 cents. All in Chinese and there is no American description, I’ve been harassing him for a long time to eat them. FINALLY, TONIGHT I SUCCEEDED. One of the cans he opened looked like peach shape and colored testicles. Another can that was opened looking like canned crude oil. And finally he tried AGAR AGAR which before being cooked like the netting for a basketball hoop….However. when boiled the netting turned into something resembling grits. He was not impressed, speaking to no one in particular said, “I CAN’T FIGURE OUT WHAT THEY WOULD DO WITH STUFF. After he took a few bites he opened a can of some typed of sauce that looked kike rotten cranberry sauce.
He has been drinking Imodium AD like it is his job for the last half hour.
Here are two cans. The blue one was the crude oil and the other was the one resembling peach shaped and colored testes.
Peach Testes- on the left and Crude Oil to the right.
Oh oh gah I can’t breathe. Need to have pictures of what peach testes look like.