Covers and Originals

United States- 9:11 P.M. Marlette…

Where in the world do ideas come from?

More than likely the brain. That’s where we separate ourselves from species that have died off. There will always be controversy because as long as there have been ideas there have been naysayers, haters, cynics, disbelievers and sadly the ones that can’t think for themselves.

What is fair and what is unfair in this world?

Everyone has a burden to bare. If that is that once someone had an idea and they let it go: yes, that is sad. If someone ever let someone out of their life because it was not for the greater good, that can be seen as both sad and positive correct? The more we fight and disagree who is actually right, the more what we are fighting for begins to become: jaded, confused, hazed, razzed, stabbed, beaten, abused, and dirtied.

That’s not fair to anyone in my opinion.

As long as there have been ideas: which by my own brain means abstract thoughts that have not been scientifically proven because they did not pass a certain test, there have been tragedies, parodies, comedies and whatever else.

In America, where we all believe in being free…

What does that mean!? What does that mean to you? The more bills we pass then void what does that mean? Does it mean that we are omitting that at one point we had this problem, but this hot button issue NEEDS a cement plug on it?

The House, The Senate, The Legislative, The White House, The Oval Office, The Pentagon:

Those our are checks and balances.

The Churches, The Schools, The Universities… The real world, the working world.

Are they not all the same if we are striving toward the same goal?

Again- communication, trust, respect and actions matter.

Ideas- Yes, they matter too. Who has the right and who has the fight in them to make this work?

Our world is a troubled place. AND no one should have to know all the troubles.

The Earth is a Blue- Green ball. Perfect in its environment. Imperfections: Yes, that’s all around us. Do we believe that the majority of people are pulling for the same goal. Or do we go to war against EVERYTHING.

That’s why we have checks and balances. That’s why we have people that recite history, that’s why we have people that rewrite history, that’s why we have people that can NEVER know it all.

Trying to understand it all can be the biggest problem.

However, blocking the creative freedom of the people that are out in the world trying to make a living in whatever way they think is correct is plain wrong. If, someone has made a mistake and plagiarized one thing, does that make them a forever liar?

If when a group of teenagers are in their garage and they say, “I like the Beatles.” And they play Love Me Do. Does that mean that for the rest of their life everything they do and create is flawed and can never be perfect?

That’s why there are questions.

That’s why there are people that try to have answers and people that will never have answers.

A copy of a copy is still a copy.

That’s genetics.

A song created and a song enjoyed is just that. An idea that has came to fruition and is in the creators mind: Perfect at that time.

Censorship at times is necessary. However, censorship that is limiting growth is behind neglect. It’s out and out madness, blindness and stupidity.

Yes! There will be people that always push the limits. But, that’s why there is limits! There have to be, but there have to be people standing up saying, “I believe, that what I believe, is what I believe and what I believe is my opinion, take it or leave it and I think it’s right.”

You can’t take away that right or you can just cross out what the founding fathers wanted. Thus, destroying what the country was founded on, thus taking the base of EVERYTHING we have ever stood for away.

As a male in the free world of America, don’t take away the right to be creative.

If someone practices a Mozart song for 3 years. Shouldn’t that person have the right to have people listen and be funded for their work?

We can volunteer our entire lives, but if we aren’t going to take care of ourselves, who is?

As I am writing this I am getting confused.

I can pretty much bet that someone has written something almost exactly like this.

Does that mean that I researched for 400243024 hrs, to write this just so I can be a liar?
No. I am writing this from my brain, these words are words that have always existed in some way. But, someone has to arrange them or they make no sense. If someone has ideas, but can’t begin or end the ideas shouldn’t there be someone that is there to fill in the holes? The wounds? The gaps in time and space?


Almost of the time I write stream of consciousness and do not go back and change what I did. Some call that type of writing bashing, ramming, jamming ideas down. Whatever. Somethings work for people, some OTHERS, type, erase, type, erase and are never happy when they press save.

Either way. Time will tell.

Are there things I have written that I will forever be sorry that the thought came through my mind. YES! And that is what being a HUMAN BEING MEANS. So…

If you want to not let me publish this on my website that my brother and I started as a joke and has developed into a lot more. Whatever. Sometimes a friend becomes family, sometimes a joke becomes $ and sometimes nothing becomes nothing.

Take your pick, I guess.

But, don’t pass another law you will need to repeal because you did it out of haste or in spite of something else.

Please, slow down. Please, think twice, please make the right


About Coyote Rush

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