Hello Friends

I know that all of you have been salivating, waiting, watching, refreshing your preferred web browser to see the newest installment of my life and… sadly… you’ve all been disappointed for several days in a row. There is a variety of reasons.

1. I have felt like absolute death since Wednesday morning. This has me currently speaking with no voice, in pain to swallow, fever that comes and goes. And that’s after like four days. great times.

2. Google disabled my adsense account and that really pissed me off. They said I have “invalid click.” Their explanation makes no sense. So that upset me. I appealed, but it takes them two weeks to check emails I guess.


I haven’t really felt up to writing because I have been sleeping and working at Rite Aid and that’s really about it.


I woke up at 7. WAS SO TIRED. Got dressed.

I had the idea to go to Mcdonald’s and get some breakfast. However, I took my sweet time getting ready because I was fricking tired, and felt like fricking crap. So, I pulled into Mcdonalds at about 7:38. I ordered a bacon egg bagel meal without WITHOUT breakfast sauce. I had to do this with my door open, as my window decided to be completely frozen shut. I had to do this with my voice dead and pain in speaking. I had to do all of this in by the time I got to Rite Aid, my hashbrown was gone and still, no one was at work, I don’t have a key. So I decided to eat. I pull out the sandwich to find………… A STEAK AND EGG BAGEL! HEY MY STEAK AND EGGS! I wouldn’t mind this sandwich, but I’ve cooked them before, in my time of McDonald’s land fun and basically it’s an onion steak. So. I threw the sandwich back in the bag and sat there.

Work was like this.

7:45 a.m.



Putting ads in the newspapers of the papers that got delivered there. I guess that I do the papers job too?


Walking around the store putting sale stickers all over everything. This is like my third day. I know where nothing in that store is unless I have bought that product or something like that product before. This was fun. Here is an example of the description.

Long Sleeve Print Tee.

Yup… I will just run that right over to the clothes section………. OH WAIT… It’s a rite aid.

Also, I talked to a guy that needed stool softener…. REAL BAD. I asked with my barely able to speak voice “Is there a specific brand you would like?” He said “One that works and works good and quick!” I hung out trying to find a good one for him for about another 5 minutes and every little noise or comment he made I tried my hardest not to laugh as all I could think about is how constipated that guy was.

My brain hurts.


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3 Responses to Hello Friends

  1. HVL says:

    You're putting stickers on things to learn the store and where things are (at least the things that have stickers on them [and what doesn't amirite?]).

  2. Justin'sLife.com says:

    Stop being so positive. Find my rants humorous or else!

  3. Alex Busch says:

    OMG That KILLED me!!!

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