To everyone that cares about me.

Thank you all for caring about me.

I know that I screw up more than any one human being should and for all of you that give me another chance I want to thank you.

Life is full of different forks in the road and whatever way you chose you must live with the consequences that are at the end of that path. You see these metaphoric forks in the road many, many times a day. You must live with it everyday.

I have chosen odd forks and some have been the right and some have been wrong.

To everyone that decided to stick with me and help me climb back up when I fall off the cliff that was at the end of the path. Thank you very much.

I love you,


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3 Responses to To everyone that cares about me.

  1. Megan says:

    you met me on the road, well, specifically the Knight's Inn … which is now called the Cavalier's Club … sad day i know

  2. Justin' says:

    That's which Megan I thought it was.

    And sad day we met or sad day that it's not Knight's Inn…

    I am guessing the latter.

  3. Ryan says:

    I don't know if you're including me as one of those people… but I love you and miss you and you're welcome.

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